geonature.core.gn_synthese.imports.plot ======================================= .. py:module:: geonature.core.gn_synthese.imports.plot Functions --------- .. autoapisummary:: geonature.core.gn_synthese.imports.plot.taxon_distribution_plot Module Contents --------------- .. py:function:: taxon_distribution_plot(imprt) -> bokeh.embed.standalone.StandaloneEmbedJson Generate a plot of the taxonomic distribution (for each rank) based on the import. The following ranks are used: - group1_inpn - group2_inpn - group3_inpn - sous_famille - tribu - classe - ordre - famille - phylum - regne Parameters ---------- imprt : TImports The import object to generate the plot from. Returns ------- dict Returns a dict containing data required to generate the plot