geonature.core.imports.checks.sql ================================= .. py:module:: geonature.core.imports.checks.sql Submodules ---------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 /autoapi/geonature/core/imports/checks/sql/core/index /autoapi/geonature/core/imports/checks/sql/extra/index /autoapi/geonature/core/imports/checks/sql/geo/index /autoapi/geonature/core/imports/checks/sql/nomenclature/index /autoapi/geonature/core/imports/checks/sql/parent/index /autoapi/geonature/core/imports/checks/sql/utils/index Classes ------- .. autoapisummary:: geonature.core.imports.checks.sql.ImportCodeError geonature.core.imports.checks.sql.BibFields geonature.core.imports.checks.sql.Entity geonature.core.imports.checks.sql.TImports Functions --------- .. autoapisummary:: geonature.core.imports.checks.sql.init_rows_validity geonature.core.imports.checks.sql.check_orphan_rows geonature.core.imports.checks.sql.do_nomenclatures_mapping geonature.core.imports.checks.sql.check_nomenclature_exist_proof geonature.core.imports.checks.sql.check_nomenclature_blurring geonature.core.imports.checks.sql.check_nomenclature_source_status geonature.core.imports.checks.sql.check_nomenclature_technique_collect geonature.core.imports.checks.sql.set_geom_point geonature.core.imports.checks.sql.convert_geom_columns geonature.core.imports.checks.sql.check_is_valid_geometry geonature.core.imports.checks.sql.check_geometry_outside geonature.core.imports.checks.sql.get_duplicates_query geonature.core.imports.checks.sql.report_erroneous_rows geonature.core.imports.checks.sql.check_referential geonature.core.imports.checks.sql.check_cd_nom geonature.core.imports.checks.sql.check_cd_hab geonature.core.imports.checks.sql.generate_altitudes geonature.core.imports.checks.sql.check_duplicate_uuid geonature.core.imports.checks.sql.check_existing_uuid geonature.core.imports.checks.sql.generate_missing_uuid_for_id_origin geonature.core.imports.checks.sql.generate_missing_uuid geonature.core.imports.checks.sql.check_duplicate_source_pk geonature.core.imports.checks.sql.check_dates geonature.core.imports.checks.sql.check_altitudes geonature.core.imports.checks.sql.check_depths geonature.core.imports.checks.sql.check_digital_proof_urls geonature.core.imports.checks.sql.check_entity_data_consistency geonature.core.imports.checks.sql.disable_duplicated_rows geonature.core.imports.checks.sql.set_id_parent_from_destination geonature.core.imports.checks.sql.set_parent_line_no geonature.core.imports.checks.sql.check_no_parent_entity geonature.core.imports.checks.sql.check_erroneous_parent_entities Package Contents ---------------- .. py:function:: init_rows_validity(imprt: geonature.core.imports.models.TImports, dataset_name_field: str = 'id_dataset') Validity columns are three-states: - None: the row does not contains data for the given entity - False: the row contains data for the given entity, but data are erroneous - True: the row contains data for the given entity, and data are valid .. py:function:: check_orphan_rows(imprt) .. py:function:: do_nomenclatures_mapping(imprt: geonature.core.imports.models.TImports, entity: geonature.core.imports.models.Entity, fields: Mapping[str, geonature.core.imports.models.BibFields], fill_with_defaults: bool = False) -> None Set nomenclatures using content mapping. Parameters ---------- imprt : TImports The import to check. entity : Entity The entity to check. fields : Mapping[str, BibFields] Mapping of field names to BibFields objects. fill_with_defaults : bool, optional If True, fill empty user fields with default nomenclatures. Notes ----- See the following link for explanation on empty fields and default nomenclature handling: .. py:function:: check_nomenclature_exist_proof(imprt: geonature.core.imports.models.TImports, entity: geonature.core.imports.models.Entity, nomenclature_field: geonature.core.imports.models.BibFields, digital_proof_field: Optional[geonature.core.imports.models.BibFields], non_digital_proof_field: Optional[geonature.core.imports.models.BibFields]) -> None Check the existence of a nomenclature proof in the transient table. Parameters ---------- imprt : TImports The import to check. entity : Entity The entity to check. nomenclature_field : BibFields The field representing the nomenclature to check. digital_proof_field : Optional[BibFields] The field for digital proof, if any. non_digital_proof_field : Optional[BibFields] The field for non-digital proof, if any. .. py:function:: check_nomenclature_blurring(imprt, entity, blurring_field, id_dataset_field, uuid_dataset_field) Raise an error if blurring not set. Required if the dataset is private. .. py:function:: check_nomenclature_source_status(imprt: geonature.core.imports.models.TImports, entity: geonature.core.imports.models.Entity, source_status_field: geonature.core.imports.models.BibFields, ref_biblio_field: geonature.core.imports.models.BibFields) -> None Check the nomenclature source status and raise an error if the status is "Lit" (Literature) whereas the reference biblio field is empty. Parameters ---------- imprt : TImports The import to check. entity : Entity The entity to check. source_status_field : BibFields The field representing the source status. ref_biblio_field : BibFields The field representing the reference bibliography. Notes ----- The error codes are: - CONDITIONAL_MANDATORY_FIELD_ERROR: the field is mandatory and not set. .. py:function:: check_nomenclature_technique_collect(imprt: geonature.core.imports.models.TImports, entity: geonature.core.imports.models.Entity, source_status_field: geonature.core.imports.models.BibFields, technical_precision_field: geonature.core.imports.models.BibFields) -> None Check the nomenclature source status and raise an error if the status is "Autre, préciser" whereas technical precision field is empty. Parameters ---------- imprt : TImports The import to check. entity : Entity The entity to check. source_status_field : BibFields The field representing the source status. technical_precision_field : BibFields The field representing the technical precision. Notes ----- The error codes are: - CONDITIONAL_MANDATORY_FIELD_ERROR: the field is mandatory and not set. .. py:function:: set_geom_point(imprt: geonature.core.imports.models.TImports, entity: geonature.core.imports.models.Entity, geom_4326_field: geonature.core.imports.models.BibFields, geom_point_field: geonature.core.imports.models.BibFields) -> None Set the_geom_point as the centroid of the geometry in the transient table of an import. Parameters ---------- imprt : TImports The import to update. entity : Entity The entity to update. geom_4326_field : BibFields Field containing the geometry in the transient table. geom_point_field : BibFields Field to store the centroid of the geometry in the transient table. Returns ------- None .. py:function:: convert_geom_columns(imprt: geonature.core.imports.models.TImports, entity: geonature.core.imports.models.Entity, geom_4326_field: geonature.core.imports.models.BibFields, geom_local_field: geonature.core.imports.models.BibFields) -> None Convert the geometry from the file SRID to the local SRID in the transient table of an import. Parameters ---------- imprt : TImports The import to update. entity : Entity The entity to update. geom_4326_field : BibFields Field representing the geometry in the transient table in SRID 4326. geom_local_field : BibFields Field representing the geometry in the transient table in the local SRID. .. py:function:: check_is_valid_geometry(imprt: geonature.core.imports.models.TImports, entity: geonature.core.imports.models.Entity, wkt_field: geonature.core.imports.models.BibFields, geom_field: geonature.core.imports.models.BibFields) -> None Check if the geometry is valid in the transient table of an import. Parameters ---------- imprt : TImports The import to check. entity : Entity The entity to check. wkt_field : BibFields Field containing the source WKT of the geometry. geom_field : BibFields Field containing the geometry from the WKT in `wkt_field` to be validated. .. py:function:: check_geometry_outside(imprt: geonature.core.imports.models.TImports, entity: geonature.core.imports.models.Entity, geom_local_field: geonature.core.imports.models.BibFields, id_area: int) -> None For an import, check if one or more geometries in the transient table are outside a defined area. Parameters ---------- imprt : TImports The import to check. entity : Entity The entity to check. geom_local_field : BibFields Field containing the geometry in the local SRID of the area. id_area : int The id of the area to check if the geometry is inside. .. py:class:: ImportCodeError List of all the possible errors returned during the import process. Attributes ---------- DATASET_NOT_FOUND : str The referenced dataset was not found DATASET_NOT_AUTHORIZED : str The dataset is not authorized to the current user DATASET_NOT_ACTIVE : str The dataset is inactive MULTIPLE_ATTACHMENT_TYPE_CODE : str Multiple attachments of the same type are not allowed MULTIPLE_CODE_ATTACHMENT : str Multiple attachments (commune, maille, departement) with the same code were given. INVALID_DATE : str The date is not valid INVALID_UUID : str The uuid is not valid INVALID_INTEGER : str The integer is not valid INVALID_NUMERIC : str The numeric is not valid INVALID_WKT : str The WKT string is not valid INVALID_GEOMETRY : str The geometry is not valid INVALID_BOOL : str The boolean is not valid INVALID_ATTACHMENT_CODE : str The code given does not exists in the desitination referential INVALID_CHAR_LENGTH : str The character length is not valid DATE_MIN_TOO_HIGH : str The date min is too high DATE_MAX_TOO_LOW : str The date max is too low DATE_MAX_TOO_HIGH : str The date max is too high DATE_MIN_TOO_LOW : str The date min is too low ALTI_MIN_SUP_ALTI_MAX : str The altitude min is superior to the altitude max DATE_MIN_SUP_DATE_MAX : str The date min is superior to the date max DEPTH_MIN_SUP_ALTI_MAX : str The depth min is superior to the altitude max ORPHAN_ROW : str The row could not be attached to an other entity # FIXME: clarify DUPLICATE_ROWS : str One rows appears more than once DUPLICATE_UUID : str A uuid value is duplicated EXISTING_UUID: str A uuid value already exists in the destination table SKIP_EXISTING_UUID: str A uuid value already exists in the destination table and should be skipped MISSING_VALUE : str A required value is missing (see `mandatory` column in `gn_imports.bib_fields` table) MISSING_GEOM : str The geometry is missing GEOMETRY_OUTSIDE : str The geometry is outside the polygon in the GeoNature configuration (`INSTANCE_BOUNDING_BOX`) NO_GEOM : str No geometry given (wherever WKT or latitude/longitude) GEOMETRY_OUT_OF_BOX : str The geometry is outside the perimeter of the instance geography # FIXME: clarify (confusion with GEOMETRY_OUTSIDE) ERRONEOUS_PARENT_ENTITY : str The parent entity is not valid NO_PARENT_ENTITY : str The parent entity is not found DUPLICATE_ENTITY_SOURCE_PK : str The entity source primary key is duplicated COUNT_MIN_SUP_COUNT_MAX : str The count min is superior to the count max INVALID_NOMENCLATURE : str The nomenclature is invalid INVALID_EXISTING_PROOF_VALUE : str The existing proof value is invalid CONDITIONAL_MANDATORY_FIELD_ERROR : str Some conditional mandatory fields are missing #FIXME: clarify INVALID_NOMENCLATURE_WARNING : str The nomenclature is invalid UNKNOWN_ERROR : str An unknown error occurred INVALID_STATUT_SOURCE_VALUE : str The statut source value is invalid CONDITIONAL_INVALID_DATA : str The conditional data is invalid INVALID_URL_PROOF : str The url proof is invalid ROW_HAVE_TOO_MUCH_COLUMN : str A row have too much column ROW_HAVE_LESS_COLUMN : str A row have less column EMPTY_ROW : str A row is empty HEADER_SAME_COLUMN_NAME : str The header have same column name EMPTY_FILE : str The file is empty NO_FILE_SENDED : str No file was sent ERROR_WHILE_LOADING_FILE : str An error occurred while loading the file FILE_FORMAT_ERROR : str The file format is not valid FILE_EXTENSION_ERROR : str The file extension is not valid FILE_OVERSIZE : str The file is too big FILE_NAME_TOO_LONG : str The file name is too long FILE_WITH_NO_DATA : str The file have no data INCOHERENT_DATA : str An entity data is different in multiple rows CD_HAB_NOT_FOUND : str The habitat code is not found CD_NOM_NOT_FOUND : str The cd_nom is not found in the instance TaxRef .. py:attribute:: DATASET_NOT_FOUND :value: 'DATASET_NOT_FOUND' .. py:attribute:: DATASET_NOT_AUTHORIZED :value: 'DATASET_NOT_AUTHORIZED' .. py:attribute:: DATASET_NOT_ACTIVE :value: 'DATASET_NOT_ACTIVE' .. py:attribute:: MULTIPLE_ATTACHMENT_TYPE_CODE :value: 'MULTIPLE_ATTACHMENT_TYPE_CODE' .. py:attribute:: MULTIPLE_CODE_ATTACHMENT :value: 'MULTIPLE_CODE_ATTACHMENT' .. py:attribute:: INVALID_DATE :value: 'INVALID_DATE' .. py:attribute:: INVALID_UUID :value: 'INVALID_UUID' .. py:attribute:: INVALID_INTEGER :value: 'INVALID_INTEGER' .. py:attribute:: INVALID_NUMERIC :value: 'INVALID_NUMERIC' .. py:attribute:: INVALID_WKT :value: 'INVALID_WKT' .. py:attribute:: INVALID_GEOMETRY :value: 'INVALID_GEOMETRY' .. py:attribute:: INVALID_BOOL :value: 'INVALID_BOOL' .. py:attribute:: INVALID_ATTACHMENT_CODE :value: 'INVALID_ATTACHMENT_CODE' .. py:attribute:: INVALID_CHAR_LENGTH :value: 'INVALID_CHAR_LENGTH' .. py:attribute:: DATE_MIN_TOO_HIGH :value: 'DATE_MIN_TOO_HIGH' .. py:attribute:: DATE_MAX_TOO_LOW :value: 'DATE_MAX_TOO_LOW' .. py:attribute:: DATE_MAX_TOO_HIGH :value: 'DATE_MAX_TOO_HIGH' .. py:attribute:: DATE_MIN_TOO_LOW :value: 'DATE_MIN_TOO_LOW' .. py:attribute:: DATE_MIN_SUP_DATE_MAX :value: 'DATE_MIN_SUP_DATE_MAX' .. py:attribute:: DEPTH_MIN_SUP_ALTI_MAX :value: 'DEPTH_MIN_SUP_ALTI_MAX' .. py:attribute:: ALTI_MIN_SUP_ALTI_MAX :value: 'ALTI_MIN_SUP_ALTI_MAX' .. py:attribute:: ORPHAN_ROW :value: 'ORPHAN_ROW' .. py:attribute:: DUPLICATE_ROWS :value: 'DUPLICATE_ROWS' .. py:attribute:: DUPLICATE_UUID :value: 'DUPLICATE_UUID' .. py:attribute:: EXISTING_UUID :value: 'EXISTING_UUID' .. py:attribute:: SKIP_EXISTING_UUID :value: 'SKIP_EXISTING_UUID' .. py:attribute:: MISSING_VALUE :value: 'MISSING_VALUE' .. py:attribute:: MISSING_GEOM :value: 'MISSING_GEOM' .. py:attribute:: GEOMETRY_OUTSIDE :value: 'GEOMETRY_OUTSIDE' .. py:attribute:: NO_GEOM :value: 'NO-GEOM' .. py:attribute:: GEOMETRY_OUT_OF_BOX :value: 'GEOMETRY_OUT_OF_BOX' .. py:attribute:: ERRONEOUS_PARENT_ENTITY :value: 'ERRONEOUS_PARENT_ENTITY' .. py:attribute:: NO_PARENT_ENTITY :value: 'NO_PARENT_ENTITY' .. py:attribute:: DUPLICATE_ENTITY_SOURCE_PK :value: 'DUPLICATE_ENTITY_SOURCE_PK' .. py:attribute:: COUNT_MIN_SUP_COUNT_MAX :value: 'COUNT_MIN_SUP_COUNT_MAX' .. py:attribute:: INVALID_NOMENCLATURE :value: 'INVALID_NOMENCLATURE' .. py:attribute:: INVALID_EXISTING_PROOF_VALUE :value: 'INVALID_EXISTING_PROOF_VALUE' .. py:attribute:: INVALID_NOMENCLATURE_WARNING :value: 'INVALID_NOMENCLATURE_WARNING' .. py:attribute:: CONDITIONAL_MANDATORY_FIELD_ERROR :value: 'CONDITIONAL_MANDATORY_FIELD_ERROR' .. py:attribute:: UNKNOWN_ERROR :value: 'UNKNOWN_ERROR' .. py:attribute:: INVALID_STATUT_SOURCE_VALUE :value: 'INVALID_STATUT_SOURCE_VALUE' .. py:attribute:: CONDITIONAL_INVALID_DATA :value: 'CONDITIONAL_INVALID_DATA' .. py:attribute:: INVALID_URL_PROOF :value: 'INVALID_URL_PROOF' .. py:attribute:: ROW_HAVE_TOO_MUCH_COLUMN :value: 'ROW_HAVE_TOO_MUCH_COLUMN' .. py:attribute:: ROW_HAVE_LESS_COLUMN :value: 'ROW_HAVE_LESS_COLUMN' .. py:attribute:: EMPTY_ROW :value: 'EMPTY_ROW' .. py:attribute:: HEADER_SAME_COLUMN_NAME :value: 'HEADER_SAME_COLUMN_NAME' .. py:attribute:: EMPTY_FILE :value: 'EMPTY_FILE' .. py:attribute:: NO_FILE_SENDED :value: 'NO_FILE_SENDED' .. py:attribute:: ERROR_WHILE_LOADING_FILE :value: 'ERROR_WHILE_LOADING_FILE' .. py:attribute:: FILE_FORMAT_ERROR :value: 'FILE_FORMAT_ERROR' .. py:attribute:: FILE_EXTENSION_ERROR :value: 'FILE_EXTENSION_ERROR' .. py:attribute:: FILE_OVERSIZE :value: 'FILE_OVERSIZE' .. py:attribute:: FILE_NAME_TOO_LONG :value: 'FILE_NAME_TOO_LONG' .. py:attribute:: FILE_WITH_NO_DATA :value: 'FILE_WITH_NO_DATA' .. py:attribute:: INCOHERENT_DATA :value: 'INCOHERENT_DATA' .. py:attribute:: CD_HAB_NOT_FOUND :value: 'CD_HAB_NOT_FOUND' .. py:attribute:: CD_NOM_NOT_FOUND :value: 'CD_NOM_NOT_FOUND' .. py:class:: BibFields Bases: :py:obj:`geonature.utils.env.db.Model` .. py:attribute:: __tablename__ :value: 'bib_fields' .. py:attribute:: __table_args__ .. py:attribute:: id_field .. py:attribute:: id_destination .. py:attribute:: destination .. py:attribute:: name_field .. py:attribute:: source_field .. py:attribute:: dest_field .. py:attribute:: fr_label .. py:attribute:: eng_label .. py:attribute:: type_field .. py:attribute:: mandatory .. py:attribute:: autogenerated .. py:attribute:: mnemonique .. py:attribute:: nomenclature_type .. py:attribute:: display .. py:attribute:: multi .. py:attribute:: optional_conditions .. py:attribute:: mandatory_conditions .. py:attribute:: entities .. py:property:: source_column .. py:property:: dest_column .. py:method:: __str__() .. py:class:: Entity Bases: :py:obj:`geonature.utils.env.db.Model` .. py:attribute:: __tablename__ :value: 'bib_entities' .. py:attribute:: __table_args__ .. py:attribute:: id_entity .. py:attribute:: id_destination .. py:attribute:: destination .. py:attribute:: code .. py:attribute:: label .. py:attribute:: order .. py:attribute:: validity_column .. py:attribute:: destination_table_schema .. py:attribute:: destination_table_name .. py:attribute:: id_unique_column .. py:attribute:: id_parent .. py:attribute:: parent .. py:attribute:: childs .. py:attribute:: fields .. py:attribute:: unique_column .. py:method:: get_destination_table() .. py:class:: TImports Bases: :py:obj:`InstancePermissionMixin`, :py:obj:`geonature.utils.env.db.Model` .. py:attribute:: __tablename__ :value: 't_imports' .. py:attribute:: __table_args__ .. py:attribute:: AVAILABLE_ENCODINGS .. py:attribute:: AVAILABLE_FORMATS :value: ['csv', 'geojson'] .. py:attribute:: AVAILABLE_SEPARATORS :value: [',', ';'] .. py:attribute:: id_import .. py:attribute:: id_destination .. py:attribute:: destination .. py:attribute:: format_source_file .. py:attribute:: srid .. py:attribute:: separator .. py:attribute:: detected_separator .. py:attribute:: encoding .. py:attribute:: detected_encoding .. py:attribute:: full_file_name .. py:attribute:: id_dataset .. py:attribute:: date_create_import .. py:attribute:: date_update_import .. py:attribute:: date_end_import .. py:attribute:: source_count .. py:attribute:: erroneous_rows .. py:attribute:: statistics .. py:attribute:: date_min_data .. py:attribute:: date_max_data .. py:attribute:: uuid_autogenerated .. py:attribute:: altitude_autogenerated .. py:attribute:: authors .. py:attribute:: loaded .. py:attribute:: processed .. py:attribute:: dataset .. py:attribute:: source_file .. py:attribute:: columns .. py:attribute:: fieldmapping .. py:attribute:: contentmapping .. py:attribute:: task_id .. py:attribute:: errors .. py:property:: cruved .. py:attribute:: errors_count .. py:property:: task_progress .. py:method:: has_instance_permission(scope, user=None, action_code='C') .. py:method:: filter_by_scope(scope, user=None, **kwargs) :staticmethod: .. py:method:: as_dict(import_as_dict) .. py:function:: get_duplicates_query(imprt, dest_field, whereclause=sa.true()) .. py:function:: report_erroneous_rows(imprt, entity, error_type, error_column, whereclause, level_validity_mapping={'ERROR': False}) This function report errors where whereclause in true. But the function also set validity column to False for errors with ERROR level. Warning: level of error "ERROR", the entity must be defined level_validity_mapping may be used to override default behavior: - level does not exist in dict: row validity is untouched - level exists in dict: row validity is set accordingly: - False: row is marked as erroneous - None: row is marked as should not be imported .. py:function:: check_referential(imprt: geonature.core.imports.models.TImports, entity: geonature.core.imports.models.Entity, field: geonature.core.imports.models.BibFields, reference_field: sqlalchemy.Column, error_type: str, reference_table: Optional[sqlalchemy.Table] = None) -> None Check the referential integrity of a column in the transient table. Parameters ---------- imprt : TImports The import to check. entity : Entity The entity to check. field : BibFields The field to check. reference_field : BibFields The reference field to check. error_type : str The type of error encountered. reference_table : Optional[sa.Table], optional The reference table to check. If not provided, it will be inferred from the reference_field. .. py:function:: check_cd_nom(imprt: geonature.core.imports.models.TImports, entity: geonature.core.imports.models.Entity, field: geonature.core.imports.models.BibFields, list_id: Optional[int] = None) -> None Check the existence of a cd_nom in the Taxref referential. Parameters ---------- imprt : TImports The import to check. entity : Entity The entity to check. field : BibFields The field to check. list_id : Optional[int], optional The list to filter on, by default None. .. py:function:: check_cd_hab(imprt: geonature.core.imports.models.TImports, entity: geonature.core.imports.models.Entity, field: geonature.core.imports.models.BibFields) -> None Check the existence of a cd_hab in the Habref referential. Parameters ---------- imprt : TImports The import to check. entity : Entity The entity to check. field : BibFields The field to check. .. py:function:: generate_altitudes(imprt: geonature.core.imports.models.TImports, geom_local_field: geonature.core.imports.models.BibFields, alt_min_field: geonature.core.imports.models.BibFields, alt_max_field: geonature.core.imports.models.BibFields) -> None Generate the altitudes based on geomatries, and given altitues in an import. Parameters ---------- imprt : TImports The import to generate altitudes for. geom_local_field : BibFields The field representing the geometry in the destination import's transient table. alt_min_field : BibFields The field representing the minimum altitude in the destination import's transient table. alt_max_field : BibFields The field representing the maximum altitude in the destination import's transient table. .. py:function:: check_duplicate_uuid(imprt: geonature.core.imports.models.TImports, entity: geonature.core.imports.models.Entity, uuid_field: geonature.core.imports.models.BibFields) Check if there is already a record with the same uuid in the transient table. Include an error in the report for each entry with a uuid dupplicated. Parameters ---------- imprt : Import The import to check. entity : Entity The entity to check. uuid_field : BibFields The field to check. .. py:function:: check_existing_uuid(imprt: geonature.core.imports.models.TImports, entity: geonature.core.imports.models.Entity, uuid_field: geonature.core.imports.models.BibFields, whereclause: Any = sa.true(), skip=False) Check if there is already a record with the same uuid in the destination table. Include an error in the report for each existing uuid in the destination table. Parameters ---------- imprt : Import The import to check. entity : Entity The entity to check. uuid_field : BibFields The field to check. whereclause : BooleanClause The WHERE clause to apply to the check. skip: Boolean Raise SKIP_EXISTING_UUID instead of EXISTING_UUID and set row validity to None (do not import) .. py:function:: generate_missing_uuid_for_id_origin(imprt: geonature.core.imports.models.TImports, uuid_field: geonature.core.imports.models.BibFields, id_origin_field: geonature.core.imports.models.BibFields) Update records in the transient table where the uuid is None with a new UUID. Generate UUID in transient table when there are no UUID yet, but there are a id_origin. Ensure rows with same id_origin get the same UUID. Parameters ---------- imprt : TImports The import to check. uuid_field : BibFields The field to check. id_origin_field : BibFields Field used to generate the UUID .. py:function:: generate_missing_uuid(imprt: geonature.core.imports.models.TImports, entity: geonature.core.imports.models.Entity, uuid_field: geonature.core.imports.models.BibFields, whereclause: Any = None) Update records in the transient table where the UUID is None with a new UUID. Parameters ---------- imprt : TImports The import to check. entity : Entity The entity to check. uuid_field : BibFields The field to check. .. py:function:: check_duplicate_source_pk(imprt: geonature.core.imports.models.TImports, entity: geonature.core.imports.models.Entity, field: geonature.core.imports.models.BibFields) -> None Check for duplicate source primary keys in the transient table of an import. Parameters ---------- imprt : TImports The import to check. entity : Entity The entity to check. field : BibFields The field to check. .. py:function:: check_dates(imprt: geonature.core.imports.models.TImports, entity: geonature.core.imports.models.Entity, date_min_field: geonature.core.imports.models.BibFields = None, date_max_field: geonature.core.imports.models.BibFields = None) -> None Check the validity of dates in the transient table of an import. Parameters ---------- imprt : TImports The import to check. entity : TEntity The entity to check. date_min_field : BibFields, optional The field representing the minimum date. date_max_field : BibFields, optional The field representing the maximum date. .. py:function:: check_altitudes(imprt: geonature.core.imports.models.TImports, entity: geonature.core.imports.models.Entity, alti_min_field: geonature.core.imports.models.BibFields = None, alti_max_field: geonature.core.imports.models.BibFields = None) -> None Check the validity of altitudes in the transient table of an import. Parameters ---------- imprt : TImports The import to check. entity : TEntity The entity to check. alti_min_field : BibFields, optional The field representing the minimum altitude. alti_max_field : BibFields, optional The field representing the maximum altitude. .. py:function:: check_depths(imprt: geonature.core.imports.models.TImports, entity: geonature.core.imports.models.Entity, depth_min_field: geonature.core.imports.models.BibFields = None, depth_max_field: geonature.core.imports.models.BibFields = None) -> None Check the validity of depths in the transient table of an import. Parameters ---------- imprt : TImports The import to check. entity : TEntity The entity to check. depth_min_field : BibFields, optional The field representing the minimum depth. depth_max_field : BibFields, optional The field representing the maximum depth. .. py:function:: check_digital_proof_urls(imprt, entity, digital_proof_field) Checks for valid URLs in a given column of a transient table. Parameters ---------- imprt : TImports The import to check. entity : TEntity The entity to check. digital_proof_field : TField The field containing the URLs to check. .. py:function:: check_entity_data_consistency(imprt, entity, fields, grouping_field) Checks for rows with the same uuid, but different contents, in the same entity. Used mainely for parent entities. Parameters ---------- imprt : TImports The import to check. entity : Entity The entity to check. fields : BibFields The fields to check. grouping_field : BibFields The field to group identical rows. .. py:function:: disable_duplicated_rows(imprt, entity, fields, grouping_field) When several rows have the same value in grouping field (typically UUID) field, first one is untouched but following rows have validity set to None (do not import). .. py:function:: set_id_parent_from_destination(imprt: geonature.core.imports.models.TImports, parent_entity: geonature.core.imports.models.Entity, child_entity: geonature.core.imports.models.Entity, id_field: geonature.core.imports.models.BibFields, fields: List[geonature.core.imports.models.BibFields]) -> None Complete the id_parent column in the transient table of an import when the parent already exists in the destination table. Parameters ---------- imprt : TImports The import to update. parent_entity : Entity The entity of the parent. child_entity : Entity The entity of the child. id_field : BibFields The field containing the id of the parent. fields : List[BibFields] The fields to use for matching the child with its parent in the destination table. .. py:function:: set_parent_line_no(imprt: geonature.core.imports.models.TImports, parent_entity: geonature.core.imports.models.Entity, child_entity: geonature.core.imports.models.Entity, id_parent: geonature.core.imports.models.BibFields, parent_line_no: geonature.core.imports.models.BibFields, fields: List[geonature.core.imports.models.BibFields]) -> None Set parent_line_no on child entities when: - no parent entity on same line - parent entity is valid - looking for parent entity through each given field in fields Parameters ---------- imprt : TImports The import to update. parent_entity : Entity The entity of the parent. child_entity : Entity The entity of the child. id_parent : BibFields The field containing the id of the parent. parent_line_no : BibFields The field containing the line number of the parent. fields : List[BibFields] The fields to use for matching the child with its parent in the destination table. .. py:function:: check_no_parent_entity(imprt: geonature.core.imports.models.TImports, parent_entity: geonature.core.imports.models.Entity, child_entity: geonature.core.imports.models.Entity, id_parent: geonature.core.imports.models.BibFields, parent_line_no: geonature.core.imports.models.BibFields) -> None Station may be referenced: - on the same line (station_validity is not None) - by id_parent (parent already exists in destination) - by parent_line_no (new parent from another line of the imported file - see set_parent_line_no) Parameters ---------- imprt : TImports The import to check. parent_entity : Entity The entity of the parent. child_entity : Entity The entity of the child. id_parent : BibFields The field containing the id of the parent. parent_line_no : BibFields The field containing the line number of the parent. .. py:function:: check_erroneous_parent_entities(imprt: geonature.core.imports.models.TImports, parent_entity: geonature.core.imports.models.Entity, child_entity: geonature.core.imports.models.Entity, parent_line_no: geonature.core.imports.models.BibFields) -> None Check for erroneous (not valid) parent entities in the transient table of an import. Parameters ---------- imprt : TImports The import to check. parent_entity : Entity The entity of the parent. child_entity : Entity The entity of the child. parent_line_no : BibFields The field containing the line number of the parent. Notes ----- # Note: if child entity reference parent entity by id_parent, this means the parent # entity is already in destination table so obviously valid. The error codes are: - ERRONEOUS_PARENT_ENTITY: the parent on the same line is not valid.