geonature.core.imports.checks.sql.utils ======================================= .. py:module:: geonature.core.imports.checks.sql.utils Functions --------- .. autoapisummary:: geonature.core.imports.checks.sql.utils.get_duplicates_query geonature.core.imports.checks.sql.utils.report_erroneous_rows Module Contents --------------- .. py:function:: get_duplicates_query(imprt, dest_field, whereclause=sa.true()) .. py:function:: report_erroneous_rows(imprt, entity, error_type, error_column, whereclause, level_validity_mapping={'ERROR': False}) This function report errors where whereclause in true. But the function also set validity column to False for errors with ERROR level. Warning: level of error "ERROR", the entity must be defined level_validity_mapping may be used to override default behavior: - level does not exist in dict: row validity is untouched - level exists in dict: row validity is set accordingly: - False: row is marked as erroneous - None: row is marked as should not be imported