Code source de pypnusershub.decorators

from functools import wraps

from flask import current_app, redirect
from flask_login import current_user

from werkzeug.exceptions import Forbidden, Unauthorized

[docs] def check_auth( level, ): def _check_auth(view_func): @wraps(view_func) def decorated_view(*args, **kwargs): if not current_user.is_authenticated: return current_app.login_manager.unauthorized() if int(current_user.max_level_profil) < level: if "REDIRECT_ON_FORBIDDEN" in current_app.config: return redirect(current_app.config["REDIRECT_ON_FORBIDDEN"]) raise Forbidden( f"""User {current_user.id_role} is not authorized to to this action. Required profil level is f{level} """ ) return view_func(*args, **kwargs) return decorated_view return _check_auth