Code source de src.utils_flask_sqla.commands

from collections import deque, defaultdict
from itertools import chain
from io import StringIO
import json

import click
import flask_migrate
from flask import current_app
from alembic.migration import MigrationContext
from alembic.context import EnvironmentContext
from alembic.script import ScriptDirectory
from flask_migrate.cli import db as db_cli
from flask.cli import with_appcontext

[docs] def box_drowing(up, down, left, right, bold=True): if not up and not down and not left and not right: return "─" elif up and not down and not left and not right: return "┸" elif not up and down and not left and not right: return "┰" elif up and down and not left and not right: return "┃" elif up and not down and left and not right: return "┛" elif up and not down and not left and right: return "┗" if bold else "└" elif not up and not down and left and right: return "━" elif not up and down and left and not right: return "┓" elif not up and down and not left and right: return "┏" elif up and down and not left and right: return "┣" if bold else "├" elif up and down and left and not right: return "┫" elif up and not down and left and right: return "┻" elif not up and down and left and right: return "┳" elif up and down and left and right: return "╋" else: raise Exception("Unexpected box drowing symbol")
@db_cli.command() @click.argument("command", nargs=-1, required=True) @click.option("--commit/--no-commit", default=True, help="Commit transaction.") @click.option("--json", "json_output", is_flag=True, help="Output commands results as JSON.") @with_appcontext
[docs] def exec(command, commit, json_output): db = current_app.extensions["sqlalchemy"].db results = [] for cmd in command: results.append(db.session.execute(cmd)) if commit: db.session.commit() if json_output: results = [ [dict(row) for row in result] if result.returns_rows else [] for result in results ] if len(results) == 1: (results,) = results click.echo(current_app.json.dumps(results))
@db_cli.command() @click.option( "-d", "--directory", default=None, help=('Migration script directory (default is "migrations")'), ) @click.option( "--sql", is_flag=True, help=("Don't emit SQL to database - dump to standard output " "instead") ) @click.option( "--tag", default=None, help=('Arbitrary "tag" name - can be used by custom ' "scripts") ) @click.option( "-x", "--x-arg", multiple=True, help="Additional arguments consumed by custom scripts" ) @with_appcontext
[docs] def autoupgrade(directory, sql, tag, x_arg): """Upgrade all branches to head.""" db = current_app.extensions["sqlalchemy"].db migrate = current_app.extensions["migrate"].migrate config = migrate.get_config(directory, x_arg) script = ScriptDirectory.from_config(config) heads = set(script.get_heads()) migration_context = MigrationContext.configure(db.session.connection()) current_heads = migration_context.get_current_heads() # get_current_heads does not return implicit revision through dependecies, get_all_current does current_heads = set(map(lambda rev: rev.revision, script.get_all_current(current_heads))) for head in current_heads - heads: revision = head + "@head" flask_migrate.upgrade(directory, revision, sql, tag, x_arg)
@db_cli.command() @click.option( "-d", "--directory", default=None, help=('Migration script directory (default is "migrations")'), ) @click.option( "-x", "--x-arg", multiple=True, help="Additional arguments consumed by custom scripts" ) @click.option( "--deps", "--dependencies", "show_dependencies", is_flag=True, help="Show dependencies" ) @click.argument("branches", nargs=-1) @with_appcontext
[docs] def status(directory, x_arg, show_dependencies, branches): """Show all revisions sorted by branches.""" db = current_app.extensions["sqlalchemy"].db migrate = current_app.extensions["migrate"].migrate config = migrate.get_config(directory, x_arg) script = ScriptDirectory.from_config(config) migration_context = MigrationContext.configure(db.session.connection()) current_heads = migration_context.get_current_heads() applied_rev = set(script.iterate_revisions(current_heads, "base")) bases = [script.get_revision(base) for base in script.get_bases()] bases = { next(iter(base.branch_labels)): base for base in sorted(bases, key=lambda rev: next(iter(rev.branch_labels))) } heads = [script.get_revision(head) for head in script.get_heads()] def print_revision( prefix, revision, *, file=None, show_branch_label=False, show_dependencies=False ): (branch_label,) = revision.branch_labels branch_base = bases[branch_label] if branch_base in applied_rev: fg = "white" if revision in applied_rev else "red" else: fg = None branch_display = f"({branch_label}) " if show_branch_label else "" print("{prefix}{branch_display}{revision.revision} {revision.doc}", fg=fg), file=file, ) if show_dependencies and revision.dependencies: deps = ( (revision.dependencies,) if type(revision.dependencies) == str else revision.dependencies ) for i, dep in enumerate(deps): dep = script.get_revision(dep) symbol = box_drowing( up=True, down=i < len(deps) - 1, left=False, right=True, bold=False ) print_revision( " " * len(prefix) + symbol + " ", dep, file=output, show_branch_label=True, show_dependencies=show_dependencies, ) outdated = False for branch_label, branch_base in bases.items(): output = StringIO() if branches and branch_label not in branches: continue levels = defaultdict(set) branch_outdated = False seen = set() todo = deque() todo.append(branch_base) while todo: rev = todo.pop() down_levels = levels[rev] if rev.is_merge_point: down_revisions = rev.down_revision elif rev.down_revision: down_revisions = [rev.down_revision] else: down_revisions = [] down_revisions = [script.get_revision(r) for r in down_revisions] next_revisions = [script.get_revision(r) for r in rev.nextrev] if rev.is_merge_point and (not seen.issuperset(down_revisions) or rev in todo): continue seen.add(rev) next_levels = set() for j, nextrev in enumerate(next_revisions): if j == 0: next_level = min(down_levels) if down_levels else 0 else: next_level = max(chain(*[levels[rev] for rev in todo])) + 1 levels[nextrev].add(next_level) next_levels.add(next_level) todo.append(nextrev) all_levels = list(chain(down_levels, next_levels)) min_level = min(all_levels, default=0) max_level = max(all_levels, default=0) symbol = "" for i in range(max_level + 1): if i < min_level: symbol += " " else: symbol += box_drowing( up=i in down_levels, down=i in next_levels, left=i > min_level, right=i < max_level, ) check = "x" if rev in applied_rev else " " if branch_base in applied_rev and rev not in applied_rev: outdated = True branch_outdated = True print_revision( f" [{check}] {symbol} ", rev, file=output, show_dependencies=show_dependencies, ) if branch_base in applied_rev: fg = "white" mark = " " mark +="×", fg="red") if branch_outdated else"✓", fg="green") else: fg = None mark = "" click.echo("[{branch_label}", bold=True, fg=fg) + mark +"]", bold=True, fg=fg) ) click.echo(output.getvalue(), nl=False) if outdated: click.secho( "Some branches are outdated, you can upgrade with 'autoupgrade' sub-command.", fg="red" )