Code source de src.utils_flask_sqla_geo.utils

from flask import jsonify
from marshmallow import fields

[docs] class JsonifiableGenerator(list): """ Inherite from list, so compatible with JSONEncoder, but must be initialized with a generator. Implement __bool__ as used by JSONEncoder. """ def __init__(self, gen): self.gen = gen self.empty = None
[docs] def __iter__(self): if self.empty is None: bool(self) if not self.empty: yield self.first_item yield from self.gen
[docs] def __bool__(self): if self.empty is None: try: self.first_item = next(self.gen) self.empty = False except StopIteration: self.empty = True return not self.empty
[docs] __repr__ = object.__repr__
[docs] class GeneratorField(fields.List): """ As marshmallow List field, but if value is not a list (e.g. map or generator), return a JsonifiableGenerator instead of a list. """
[docs] def _serialize(self, value, attr, obj, **kwargs): if value is None: return None result = map(lambda each: self.inner._serialize(each, attr, obj, **kwargs), value) if isinstance(value, list): result = list(result) else: result = JsonifiableGenerator(result) return result
[docs] def geojsonify(*args, **kwargs): response = jsonify(*args, **kwargs) response.mimetype = "application/geo+json" return response