Code source de geonature.core.gn_meta.mtd

import logging
import time
from urllib.parse import urljoin

from lxml import etree
import requests

from geonature.core.auth.routes import insert_user_and_org
from geonature.core.gn_meta.models import (
from geonature.utils.config import config
from geonature.utils.env import db

from pypnnomenclature.models import TNomenclatures
from pypnusershub.db.models import User
from sqlalchemy import func, select

from .mtd_utils import associate_actors, sync_af, sync_ds
from .xml_parser import parse_acquisition_framework, parse_acquisition_framwork_xml, parse_jdd_xml

# create logger
[docs] logger = logging.getLogger("MTD_SYNC")
# config logger logger.setLevel(config["MTD"]["SYNC_LOG_LEVEL"])
[docs] handler = logging.StreamHandler()
[docs] formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s | %(levelname)s : %(message)s", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(handler) # avoid logging output dupplication logger.propagate = False
[docs] class MTDInstanceApi:
[docs] af_path = "/mtd/cadre/export/xml/GetRecordsByInstanceId?id={ID_INSTANCE}"
[docs] ds_path = "/mtd/cadre/jdd/export/xml/GetRecordsByInstanceId?id={ID_INSTANCE}"
[docs] ds_user_path = "/mtd/cadre/jdd/export/xml/GetRecordsByUserId?id={ID_ROLE}"
[docs] af_user_path = "/mtd/cadre/export/xml/GetRecordsByUserId?id={ID_ROLE}"
[docs] single_af_path = "/mtd/cadre/export/xml/GetRecordById?id={ID_AF}" # NOTE: `ID_AF` is actually an UUID and not an ID from the point of view of geonature database.
#" def __init__(self, api_endpoint, instance_id, id_role=None): self.api_endpoint = api_endpoint self.instance_id = instance_id self.id_role = id_role
[docs] def _get_xml_by_url(self, url): logger.debug("MTD - REQUEST : %s" % url) response = requests.get(url) response.raise_for_status() return response.content
[docs] def _get_xml(self, path): url = urljoin(self.api_endpoint, path) url = url.format(ID_INSTANCE=self.instance_id) return self._get_xml_by_url(url)
[docs] def _get_af_xml(self): return self._get_xml(self.af_path)
[docs] def get_af_list(self): xml = self._get_af_xml() _xml_parser = etree.XMLParser(ns_clean=True, recover=True, encoding="utf-8") root = etree.fromstring(xml, parser=_xml_parser) af_iter = root.iterfind(".//{}CadreAcquisition") af_list = [] for af in af_iter: af_list.append(parse_acquisition_framework(af)) return af_list
[docs] def _get_ds_xml(self): return self._get_xml(self.ds_path)
[docs] def get_ds_list(self): xml = self._get_ds_xml() return parse_jdd_xml(xml)
[docs] def get_ds_user_list(self): """ Retrieve the list of of datasets (ds) for the user. Returns ------- list A list of datasets (ds) for the user. """ url = urljoin(self.api_endpoint, self.ds_user_path) url = url.format(ID_ROLE=self.id_role) try: xml = self._get_xml_by_url(url) except requests.HttpError as http_error: error_code = http_error.response.status_code warning_message = f"""[HttpError : {error_code}] for URL "{url}".""" if error_code == 404: warning_message = f"""{warning_message} > Probably no dataset found for the user with ID '{self.id_role}'""" logger.warning(warning_message) return [] ds_list = parse_jdd_xml(xml) return ds_list
[docs] def get_list_af_for_user(self): """ Retrieve a list of acquisition frameworks (af) for the user. Returns ------- list A list of acquisition frameworks for the user. """ url = urljoin(self.api_endpoint, self.af_user_path).format(ID_ROLE=self.id_role) try: xml = self._get_xml_by_url(url) except requests.HttpError as http_error: error_code = http_error.response.status_code warning_message = f"""[HttpError : {error_code}] for URL "{url}".""" if error_code == 404: warning_message = f"""{warning_message} > Probably no acquisition framework found for the user with ID '{self.id_role}'""" logger.warning(warning_message) return [] _xml_parser = etree.XMLParser(ns_clean=True, recover=True, encoding="utf-8") root = etree.fromstring(xml, parser=_xml_parser) af_iter = root.findall(".//{}CadreAcquisition") af_list = [parse_acquisition_framework(af) for af in af_iter] return af_list
[docs] def get_single_af(self, af_uuid): """ Return a single acquistion framework based on its uuid. Parameters ---------- af_uuid : str uuid of the acquisition framework Returns ------- dict acquisition framework data """ url = urljoin(self.api_endpoint, self.single_af_path) url = url.format(ID_AF=af_uuid) xml = self._get_xml_by_url(url) return parse_acquisition_framwork_xml(xml)
[docs] class INPNCAS:
[docs] base_url = config["CAS"]["CAS_USER_WS"]["BASE_URL"]
[docs] user = config["CAS"]["CAS_USER_WS"]["ID"]
[docs] password = config["CAS"]["CAS_USER_WS"]["PASSWORD"]
[docs] id_search_path = "rechercheParId/{user_id}"
[docs] def _get_user_json(cls, user_id): url = urljoin(cls.base_url, cls.id_search_path) url = url.format(user_id=user_id) response = requests.get(url, auth=(cls.user, cls.password)) return response.json()
[docs] def get_user(cls, user_id): return cls._get_user_json(user_id)
[docs] def add_unexisting_digitizer(id_digitizer): """ Method to trigger global MTD sync. :param id_digitizer: as id role from meta info """ if ( not db.session.scalar( select(func.count("*")).select_from(User).filter_by(id_role=id_digitizer) ) > 0 ): # not fast - need perf optimization on user call user = INPNCAS.get_user(id_digitizer) # to avoid to create org if user.get("codeOrganisme"): user["codeOrganisme"] = None # insert or update user insert_user_and_org(user)
[docs] def process_af_and_ds(af_list, ds_list, id_role=None): """ Synchro AF<array>, Synchro DS<array> :param af_list: list af :param ds_list: list ds :param id_role: use role id pass on user authent only """ cas_api = INPNCAS() # read nomenclatures from DB to avoid errors if GN nomenclature is not the same list_cd_nomenclature = db.session.scalars( select(TNomenclatures.cd_nomenclature).distinct() ).all() user_add_total_time = 0 logger.debug("MTD - PROCESS AF LIST") for af in af_list: actors = af.pop("actors") with db.session.begin_nested(): start_add_user_time = time.time() add_unexisting_digitizer(af["id_digitizer"] if not id_role else id_role) user_add_total_time += time.time() - start_add_user_time af = sync_af(af) associate_actors( actors, CorAcquisitionFrameworkActor, "id_acquisition_framework", af.id_acquisition_framework, ) # TODO: remove actors removed from MTD db.session.commit() logger.debug("MTD - PROCESS DS LIST") for ds in ds_list: actors = ds.pop("actors") # CREATE DIGITIZER with db.session.begin_nested(): start_add_user_time = time.time() if not id_role: add_unexisting_digitizer(ds["id_digitizer"]) else: add_unexisting_digitizer(id_role) user_add_total_time += time.time() - start_add_user_time ds = sync_ds(ds, list_cd_nomenclature) if ds is not None: associate_actors(actors, CorDatasetActor, "id_dataset", ds.id_dataset) user_add_total_time = round(user_add_total_time, 2) db.session.commit()
[docs] def sync_af_and_ds(): """ Method to trigger global MTD sync. """"MTD - SYNC GLOBAL : START") mtd_api = MTDInstanceApi(config["MTD_API_ENDPOINT"], config["MTD"]["ID_INSTANCE_FILTER"]) af_list = mtd_api.get_af_list() ds_list = mtd_api.get_ds_list() # synchro a partir des listes process_af_and_ds(af_list, ds_list)"MTD - SYNC GLOBAL : FINISH")
[docs] def sync_af_and_ds_by_user(id_role, id_af=None): """ Method to trigger MTD sync on user authentication. Args: id_role (int): The ID of the role (group or user). id_af (str, optional): The ID of the AF (Acquisition Framework). Defaults to None. """"MTD - SYNC USER : START") # Create an instance of MTDInstanceApi mtd_api = MTDInstanceApi( config["MTD_API_ENDPOINT"], config["MTD"]["ID_INSTANCE_FILTER"], id_role ) # Get the list of datasets (ds) for the user # NOTE: `mtd_api.get_ds_user_list()` tested and timed to about 7 seconds on the PROD instance 'GINCO Occtax' with id_role = 13829 > a user with a lot of metadata to be retrieved from 'INPN Métadonnées' to 'GINCO Occtax' ds_list = mtd_api.get_ds_user_list() if not id_af: # Get the unique UUIDs of the acquisition frameworks for the user set_user_af_uuids = {ds["uuid_acquisition_framework"] for ds in ds_list} user_af_uuids = list(set_user_af_uuids) # TODO - voir avec INPN pourquoi les AF par user ne sont pas dans l'appel global des AF # Ce code ne fonctionne pas pour cette raison -> AF manquants # af_list = mtd_api.get_af_list() # af_list = [af for af in af_list if af["unique_acquisition_framework_id"] in user_af_uuids] # Get the list of acquisition frameworks for the user # call INPN API for each AF to retrieve info af_list = mtd_api.get_list_af_for_user() else: # TODO: handle case where the AF ; corresponding to the provided `id_af` ; does not exist yet in the database # this case should not happend from a user action because the only case where `id_af` is provided is for when the user click to unroll an AF in the module Metadata, in which case the AF already exists in the database. # It would still be better to handle case where the AF does not exist in the database, and to first retrieve the AF from 'INPN Métadonnées' in this case uuid_af = TAcquisitionFramework.query.get(id_af).unique_acquisition_framework_id uuid_af = str(uuid_af).upper() # Get the acquisition framework for the specified UUID, thus a list of one element af_list = [mtd_api.get_single_af(uuid_af)] # Filter the datasets based on the specified UUID ds_list = [ds for ds in ds_list if ds["uuid_acquisition_framework"] == uuid_af] # Process the acquisition frameworks and datasets process_af_and_ds(af_list, ds_list, id_role)"MTD - SYNC USER : FINISH")