Code source de pypn_habref_api.routes

from importlib import import_module

from flask import jsonify, Blueprint, request, current_app
from sqlalchemy import desc, func, select
from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound

from utils_flask_sqla.response import json_resp

from pypn_habref_api.models import (
from pypn_habref_api.env import db as DB

[docs] routes = Blueprint("habref", __name__)
@routes.route("/search/<field>/<ilike>", methods=["GET"]) @json_resp
[docs] def getSearchInField(field, ilike): """ Get the first 20 result of Habref table for a given field with an ilike query Use trigram algo to add relevance .. :quickref: Habref; :params field: a Habref column :type field: str :param ilike: the ilike where expression to filter :type ilike:str :returns: Array of dict """ habref_columns = Habref.__table__.columns if field in habref_columns: value = unquote(ilike) value = value.replace(" ", "%") column = habref_columns[field] q = ( select(Habref, func.similarity(column, value).label("idx_trgm")) .filter(column.ilike("%" + value + "%")) .order_by(desc("idx_trgm")) ) data = DB.session.scalars(q.limit(20)).all() return [d[0].as_dict() for d in data] else: "No column found in Taxref for {}".format(field), 500
@routes.route("/habitat/<int:cd_hab>", methods=["GET"]) @json_resp
[docs] def get_hab(cd_hab): """ Get one habitat with its correspondances .. :quickref: Habref; :params cd_hab: a cd_hab :type cd_hab: int """ one_hab = DB.session.get(Habref, cd_hab).as_dict(True) if "correspondances" in one_hab: for cor in one_hab["correspondances"]: hab_sortie = DB.session.get(Habref, cor["cd_hab_sortie"]).as_dict(True) cor["habref"] = hab_sortie return one_hab
@routes.route("/habitats/autocomplete", methods=["GET"]) @json_resp
[docs] def get_habref_autocomplete(): """ Get all habref items of a list for autocomplete .. :quickref: Habref; :query id_list int: the id of the habref list :query search_name str: the pattern to filter with :query cd_typo int: filter by typology :query limit int: number of results, default = 20 :returns: Array<AutoCompleteHabitat> """ params = request.args search_name = params.get("search_name") q = select( AutoCompleteHabitat, func.similarity(AutoCompleteHabitat.search_name, search_name).label("idx_trgm"), ) if "id_list" in params: q = q.where(AutoCompleteHabitat.lists.any(id_list=params["id_list"])) if "search_name" in params: search_name = search_name.replace(" ", "%") q = q.where(AutoCompleteHabitat.search_name.ilike("%" + search_name + "%")) # filter by typology if "cd_typo" in params: q = q.where(AutoCompleteHabitat.cd_typo == params.get("cd_typo")) limit = request.args.get("limit", 20) # order by lb_code to have first high hierarchy hab first q = q.order_by(AutoCompleteHabitat.lb_code.asc()) # order by trigram q = q.order_by(desc("idx_trgm")) data = DB.session.scalars(q.limit(limit)).all() if data: return [d.as_dict() for d in data] else: return []
@routes.route("/typo", methods=["GET"]) @json_resp
[docs] def get_typo(): """ Get all typology .. :quickref: Habref; :query int id_list: return only the typology of a given id_list :returns: Array<TypoRef> """ params = request.args q = select(TypoRef) id_list = params.get("id_list", type=int) if id_list: q = q.where(TypoRef.habitats.any(Habref.lists.any(BibListHabitat.id_list == id_list))) data = DB.session.scalars(q.order_by(TypoRef.lb_nom_typo)).all() return [d.as_dict() for d in data]
@routes.route("/correspondance/<int:cd_hab>", methods=["GET"]) @json_resp
[docs] def get_coresp(cd_hab): """ Get all correspondances in other typo from a cd_hab .. :quickref: Habref; :params cd_hab: a cd_hab :type cd_hab: int """ q = ( select(CorespHab, BibHabrefTypoRel, Habref, TypoRef) .join(BibHabrefTypoRel, CorespHab.cd_type_relation == BibHabrefTypoRel.cd_type_rel) .join(Habref, Habref.cd_hab == CorespHab.cd_hab_sortie) .join(TypoRef, TypoRef.cd_typo == Habref.cd_typo) .where(CorespHab.cd_hab_entre == cd_hab) ) data = [] for d in DB.session.scalars(q).unique().all(): temp = {**d[0].as_dict(), **d[1].as_dict(), **d[2].as_dict(), **d[3].as_dict()} data.append(temp) return data