import datetime
import json
from flask import current_app
from lxml import etree as ET
from geonature.utils.config import config
from geonature.core.gn_meta.models import TAcquisitionFramework
namespace = config["XML_NAMESPACE"]
_xml_parser = ET.XMLParser(ns_clean=True, recover=True, encoding="utf-8")
def get_tag_content(parent, tag_name, default_value=None):
Return the content of a xml tag
Check if the node exist or return a default value
parent (etree Element): the parent where find the tag
tag_name (str): the name of the tag
default_value (any): the default value f the tag doesn't exist
any: the tag content or the default value
tag = parent.find(namespace + tag_name)
if tag is not None:
if tag.text and len(tag.text) > 0:
return tag.text
return default_value
def parse_actors_xml(actors):
Parse the parameters of the Actor provided as an XML node in the input variable "actors"
actors (etree Element): Node of an actor type containing from one to multiple actors
dict: A dictionnary of the actors informations
actor_list = []
if actors is not None:
for actor_node in actors:
name = get_tag_content(actor_node, "nomPrenom")
actor_role = get_tag_content(actor_node, "roleActeur")
uuid_organism = get_tag_content(actor_node, "idOrganisme")
organism = get_tag_content(actor_node, "organisme")
email = get_tag_content(actor_node, "mail")
"name": name,
"uuid_organism": uuid_organism,
"organism": organism,
"actor_role": actor_role,
"email": email,
return actor_list
def parse_acquisition_framwork_xml(xml):
Parse an xml of AF from a string
dict: a dict of the parsed xml
root = ET.fromstring(xml, parser=_xml_parser)
ca = root.find(".//" + namespace + "CadreAcquisition")
return parse_acquisition_framework(ca)
def parse_acquisition_framework(ca):
# We extract all the required informations from the different tags of the XML file
ca_uuid = get_tag_content(ca, "identifiantCadre")
ca_name_max_length =[
ca_name = get_tag_content(ca, "libelle")[: ca_name_max_length - 1]
ca_desc = get_tag_content(ca, "description", default_value="")
date_info = ca.find(namespace + "ReferenceTemporelle")
ca_create_date = get_tag_content(ca, "dateCreationMtd",
ca_update_date = get_tag_content(ca, "dateMiseAJourMtd")
ca_start_date = get_tag_content(
date_info, "dateLancement",
ca_end_date = get_tag_content(date_info, "dateCloture")
ca_id_digitizer = None
attributs_additionnels_node = ca.find(namespace + "attributsAdditionnels")
# We extract the ID of the user to assign it the JDD as an id_digitizer
for attr in attributs_additionnels_node:
if get_tag_content(attr, "nomAttribut") == "ID_CREATEUR":
ca_id_digitizer = get_tag_content(attr, "valeurAttribut")
# We search for all the Contact nodes :
# - Main contact in acteurPrincipal node
# - Funder in acteurAutre node
# - Project owner in acteurAutre node
# - Project manager in acteurAutre node
list_contact_tags = ["acteurPrincipal", "acteurAutre"]
all_actors = []
for contact_tag in list_contact_tags:
if get_tag_content(ca, contact_tag) is not None:
for actor_node in ca.findall(namespace + contact_tag):
actor = parse_actors_xml(actor_node)
all_actors = all_actors + actor
return {
"unique_acquisition_framework_id": ca_uuid,
"acquisition_framework_name": ca_name,
"acquisition_framework_desc": ca_desc,
"acquisition_framework_start_date": ca_start_date,
"acquisition_framework_end_date": ca_end_date,
"meta_create_date": ca_create_date,
"meta_update_date": ca_update_date,
"id_digitizer": ca_id_digitizer,
"actors": all_actors,
def parse_jdd_xml(xml):
Parse an xml of datasets from a string
list: a list of dict of the JDD in the xml
root = ET.fromstring(xml, parser=_xml_parser)
jdd_list = []
for jdd in root.findall(".//" + namespace + "JeuDeDonnees"):
# We extract all the required informations from the different tags of the XML file
jdd_uuid = get_tag_content(jdd, "identifiantJdd")
ca_uuid = get_tag_content(jdd, "identifiantCadre")
dataset_name = get_tag_content(jdd, "libelle")
dataset_shortname = get_tag_content(jdd, "libelleCourt", default_value="")
dataset_desc = get_tag_content(jdd, "description", default_value="")
terrestrial_domain = get_tag_content(jdd, "domaineTerrestre", default_value=False)
marine_domain = get_tag_content(jdd, "domaineMarin", default_value=False)
data_type = get_tag_content(jdd, "typeDonnees")
collect_data_type = get_tag_content(jdd, "typeDonneesCollectees")
create_date = get_tag_content(jdd, "dateCreation",
update_date = get_tag_content(jdd, "dateRevision")
attributs_additionnels_node = jdd.find(namespace + "attributsAdditionnels")
# We extract the ID of the user to assign it the JDD as an id_digitizer
id_digitizer = None
id_instance = None
code_statut_donnees_source = None
for attr in attributs_additionnels_node:
if get_tag_content(attr, "nomAttribut") == "ID_CREATEUR":
id_digitizer = get_tag_content(attr, "valeurAttribut")
if get_tag_content(attr, "nomAttribut") == "ID_INSTANCE":
id_instance = get_tag_content(attr, "valeurAttribut")
if get_tag_content(attr, "nomAttribut") == "CODE_STATUT_DONNEES_SOURCE":
code_statut_donnees_source = get_tag_content(attr, "valeurAttribut")
# We search for all the Contact nodes :
# - Main contact in pointContactPF node
# - JDD provider in pointContactJdd node
# - JDD builder in pointContactJdd node
# - Database contact in contactBaseProduction node
list_contact_tags = ["pointContactPF", "pointContactJdd", "contactBaseProduction"]
all_actors = []
for contact_tag in list_contact_tags:
if contact_tag == "contactBaseProduction":
contact_node = jdd.find(namespace + "BaseProduction")
contact_node = jdd
if get_tag_content(contact_node, contact_tag) is not None:
for actor_node in contact_node.findall(namespace + contact_tag):
actor = parse_actors_xml(actor_node)
all_actors = all_actors + actor
keywords = None
# We build the JDD data from all the variables collected from the XML file
current_jdd = {
"unique_dataset_id": jdd_uuid,
"uuid_acquisition_framework": ca_uuid,
"dataset_name": dataset_name if len(dataset_name) < 256 else f"{dataset_name[:253]}...",
"dataset_shortname": dataset_shortname,
"dataset_desc": (
if len(dataset_name) < 256
else f"Nom complet du jeu de données dans MTD : {dataset_name}\n {dataset_desc}"
"keywords": keywords,
"terrestrial_domain": json.loads(terrestrial_domain),
"marine_domain": json.loads(marine_domain),
"cd_nomenclature_data_type": data_type,
"id_digitizer": id_digitizer,
"cd_nomenclature_data_origin": code_statut_donnees_source,
"actors": all_actors,
"meta_create_date": create_date,
"meta_update_date": update_date,
# filter with id_instance
if current_app.config["MTD"]["ID_INSTANCE_FILTER"]:
if id_instance and id_instance == str(current_app.config["MTD"]["ID_INSTANCE_FILTER"]):
return jdd_list