Optimized route to serve data for the frontend with all filters. |
Get one synthese record for web app with all decoded nomenclature |
Optimized route for taxon web export. |
Optimized route for observations web export. |
Route to export the metadata in CSV |
Route to get all the protection status of a synthese search |
Return stats about synthese. |
Return stats for a specific taxon |
Get taxon tree. |
Autocomplete taxon for web search (based on all taxon in Synthese). |
Get all sources. |
Get default nomenclatures |
Get color of taxon in areas (vue synthese.v_color_taxon_area). |
Get taxa count in synthese filtering with generic parameters |
Get observations found in a given dataset |
Get bbox of observations |
Get observations count group by a given column |
Get taxa distribution for a given dataset or acquisition framework |
Create a report (e.g report) for a given synthese id |
Modify a report (e.g report) for a given synthese id |
Get log history from synthese |
Module Contents¶
- geonature.core.gn_synthese.routes.get_observations_for_web(permissions)[source]¶
Optimized route to serve data for the frontend with all filters.
Query filtered by any filter, returning all the fields of the view v_synthese_for_export:
properties = { "id": r["id_synthese"], "date_min": str(r["date_min"]), "cd_nom": r["cd_nom"], "nom_vern_or_lb_nom": r["nom_vern"] if r["nom_vern"] else r["lb_nom"], "lb_nom": r["lb_nom"], "dataset_name": r["dataset_name"], "observers": r["observers"], "url_source": r["url_source"], "unique_id_sinp": r["unique_id_sinp"], "entity_source_pk_value": r["entity_source_pk_value"], } geojson = json.loads(r["st_asgeojson"]) geojson["properties"] = properties
- Qparam str limit:
Limit number of synthese returned. Defaults to NB_MAX_OBS_MAP.
- Qparam str cd_ref_parent:
filtre tous les taxons enfants d’un TAXREF cd_ref.
- Qparam str cd_ref:
Filter by TAXREF cd_ref attribute
- Qparam str taxonomy_group2_inpn:
Filter by TAXREF group2_inpn attribute
- Qparam str taxonomy_id_hab:
Filter by TAXREF id_habitat attribute
- Qparam str taxhub_attribut*:
filtre générique TAXREF en fonction de l’attribut et de la valeur.
- Qparam str *_red_lists*_red_lists:
filtre générique de listes rouges. Filtre sur les valeurs. Voir config.
- Qparam str *_protection_status*_protection_status:
filtre générique de statuts (BdC Statuts). Filtre sur les types. Voir config.
- Qparam str observers:
Filter on observer
- Qparam str id_organism:
Filter on organism
- Qparam str date_min:
Start date
- Qparam str date_max:
End date
- Qparam str id_acquisition_framework:
- Qparam str geoIntersection:
Intersect with the geom send from the map
- Qparam str period_start:
- Qparam str period_end:
- Qparam str area*:
Generic filter on area
- Qparam str *:
Generic filter, given by colname & value
- >jsonarr array data:
Array of synthese with geojson key, see above
- >jsonarr int nb_total:
Number of observations
- >jsonarr bool nb_obs_limited:
Is number of observations capped
- geonature.core.gn_synthese.routes.get_one_synthese(permissions, id_synthese)[source]¶
Get one synthese record for web app with all decoded nomenclature
- geonature.core.gn_synthese.routes.export_taxon_web(permissions)[source]¶
Optimized route for taxon web export.
This view is customisable by the administrator Some columns are mandatory: cd_ref
- POST parameters: Use a list of cd_ref (in POST parameters)
to filter the v_synthese_taxon_for_export_view
- Query str export_format:
- geonature.core.gn_synthese.routes.export_observations_web(permissions)[source]¶
Optimized route for observations web export.
This view is customisable by the administrator Some columns are mandatory: id_synthese, geojson and geojson_local to generate the exported files
POST parameters: Use a list of id_synthese (in POST parameters) to filter the v_synthese_for_export_view
- Query str export_format:
str<”csv”, “geojson”, “shapefiles”, “gpkg”>
- Query str export_format:
str<”csv”, “geojson”, “shapefiles”, “gpkg”>
- geonature.core.gn_synthese.routes.export_metadata(permissions)[source]¶
Route to export the metadata in CSV
The table synthese is join with gn_synthese.v_metadata_for_export The column jdd_id is mandatory in the view gn_synthese.v_metadata_for_export
TODO: Remove the following comment line ? or add the where clause for id_synthese in id_list ? POST parameters: Use a list of id_synthese (in POST parameters) to filter the v_synthese_for_export_view
- geonature.core.gn_synthese.routes.export_status(permissions)[source]¶
Route to get all the protection status of a synthese search
Get the CRUVED from “R” action because we don’t give observations X/Y but only statuts and to be consistent with the data displayed in the web interface.
- Parameters:
HTTP-GET: the same that the /synthese endpoint (all the filter in web app)
- geonature.core.gn_synthese.routes.taxon_stats(scope, cd_nom)[source]¶
Return stats for a specific taxon
- geonature.core.gn_synthese.routes.get_autocomplete_taxons_synthese()[source]¶
Autocomplete taxon for web search (based on all taxon in Synthese).
The request use trigram algorithm to get relevent results
- Query str search_name:
the search name (use sql ilike statement and puts « % » for spaces)
- Query str regne:
filter with kingdom
:query str group2_inpn : filter with INPN group 2
- geonature.core.gn_synthese.routes.getDefaultsNomenclatures()[source]¶
Get default nomenclatures
- Query str group2_inpn:
- Query str regne:
- Query int organism:
- geonature.core.gn_synthese.routes.get_color_taxon()[source]¶
Get color of taxon in areas (vue synthese.v_color_taxon_area).
- Query str code_area_type:
Type area code (ref_geo.bib_areas_types.type_code)
- Query int id_area:
Id of area (ref_geo.l_areas.id_area)
- Query int cd_nom:
taxon code (taxonomie.taxref.cd_nom)
Those three parameters can be multiples :returns: Array<dict<VColorAreaTaxon>>
- geonature.core.gn_synthese.routes.get_taxa_count()[source]¶
Get taxa count in synthese filtering with generic parameters
id_dataset: int (query parameter)
- count: int:
the number of taxon
- geonature.core.gn_synthese.routes.get_observation_count()[source]¶
Get observations found in a given dataset
id_dataset: int (query parameter)
- count: int:
the number of observation
- geonature.core.gn_synthese.routes.get_bbox()[source]¶
Get bbox of observations
id_dataset: int: (query parameter)
- bbox: geojson:
the bounding box in geojson
- geonature.core.gn_synthese.routes.observation_count_per_column(column)[source]¶
Get observations count group by a given column
This function was used to count observations per dataset, but this usage have been replaced by TDatasets.synthese_records_count. Remove this function as it is very inefficient?
- geonature.core.gn_synthese.routes.get_taxa_distribution()[source]¶
Get taxa distribution for a given dataset or acquisition framework and grouped by a certain taxa rank
- geonature.core.gn_synthese.routes.create_report(permissions)[source]¶
Create a report (e.g report) for a given synthese id
- report: json:
Every occurrence’s report
- geonature.core.gn_synthese.routes.notify_new_report_change(synthese, user, id_roles, content)[source]¶