Code source de geonature.core.gn_synthese.imports.plot

import numpy as np
import sqlalchemy as sa
from apptax.taxonomie.models import Taxref
from bokeh.embed import json_item
from bokeh.embed.standalone import StandaloneEmbedJson
from bokeh.layouts import column
from bokeh.models import (
from bokeh.palettes import Plasma256, Turbo256, linear_palette
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from geonature.core.gn_synthese.models import Synthese
from geonature.utils.env import db

[docs] def taxon_distribution_plot(imprt) -> StandaloneEmbedJson: """ Generate a plot of the taxonomic distribution (for each rank) based on the import. The following ranks are used: - group1_inpn - group2_inpn - group3_inpn - sous_famille - tribu - classe - ordre - famille - phylum - regne Parameters ---------- imprt : TImports The import object to generate the plot from. Returns ------- dict Returns a dict containing data required to generate the plot """ taxon_ranks = "regne phylum classe ordre famille sous_famille tribu group1_inpn group2_inpn group3_inpn".split() figures = [] # Generate the plot for each rank for rank in taxon_ranks: # Generate the query to retrieve the count for each value taken by the rank c_rank_taxref = getattr(Taxref, rank) query = ( sa.func.count(sa.distinct(Synthese.cd_nom)).label("count"), c_rank_taxref.label("rank_value"), ) .select_from(Synthese) .outerjoin(Taxref, Taxref.cd_nom == Synthese.cd_nom) .where(Synthese.id_import == imprt.id_import) .group_by(c_rank_taxref) ) data = np.asarray( [r if r[1] != "" else (r[0], "Non-assigné") for r in db.session.execute(query).all()] ) # if data is empty if not data.size: continue # Extract the rank values and counts rank_values, counts = data[:, 1], data[:, 0].astype(int) # Get angles (in radians) where start each section of the pie chart angles = np.cumsum( [2 * np.pi * (count / sum(counts)) for i, count in enumerate(counts)] ).tolist() # Generate the color palette palette = ( linear_palette(Turbo256, len(rank_values)) if len(rank_values) > 5 else linear_palette(Plasma256, len(rank_values)) ) colors = {value: palette[ix] for ix, value in enumerate(rank_values)} # Store the data in a Bokeh data structure browsers_source = ColumnDataSource( dict( start=[0] + angles[:-1], end=angles, colors=[colors[rank_value] for rank_value in rank_values], countvalue=counts, rankvalue=rank_values, ) ) # Create the Figure object fig = figure( x_range=Range1d(start=-3, end=3), y_range=Range1d(start=-3, end=3), title=f"Distribution des taxons selon {rank}", tooltips=[("Number", "@countvalue"), (rank, "@rankvalue")], toolbar_location=None, ) # Add the Pie chart glyph = AnnularWedge( x=0, y=0, inner_radius=0.9, outer_radius=1.8, start_angle="start", end_angle="end", line_color="white", line_width=3, fill_color="colors", ) r = fig.add_glyph(browsers_source, glyph) # Add the legend legend = Legend(location="top_center") for i, name in enumerate(colors): legend.items.append(LegendItem(label=name, renderers=[r], index=i)) fig.add_layout(legend, "below") fig.legend.ncols = 3 if len(colors) < 10 else 5 # ERASE the grid and axis fig.grid.visible = False fig.axis.visible = False fig.title.text_font_size = "16pt" # Hide the unselected rank plot if rank != "regne": fig.visible = False # Add the plot to the list of figures figures.append(fig) if not figures: return {} # Generate the layout with the plots and the rank selector plot_area = column(figures) select_plot = Select( title="Critère", value=0, # Default is "regne" options=[(ix, rank) for ix, rank in enumerate(taxon_ranks)], width=fig.width, ) # Update the visibility of the plots when the taxonomic rank selector changes select_plot.js_on_change( "value", CustomJS( args=dict(s=select_plot, col=plot_area), code=""" for (const plot of col.children) { plot.visible = false } col.children[s.value].visible = true """, ), ) column_fig = column(plot_area, select_plot, sizing_mode="scale_width") return json_item(column_fig)