Code source de geonature.core.gn_synthese.utils.orm
from contextlib import suppress
from sqlalchemy.sql import visitors
def is_already_joined(my_class, query):
Check if the given class is already present is the current query
_class: SQLAlchemy class
query: SQLAlchemy query
return boolean
for visitor in visitors.iterate(query.statement):
# Checking for `.join(Parent.child)` clauses
if visitor.__visit_name__ == "binary":
for vis in visitors.iterate(visitor):
# Visitor might not have table attribute
with suppress(AttributeError):
# Verify if already present based on table name
if my_class.__table__.fullname == vis.table.fullname:
return True
# Checking for `.join(Child)` clauses
if visitor.__visit_name__ == "table":
# Visitor might be of ColumnCollection or so,
# which cannot be compared to model
with suppress(TypeError):
if my_class == visitor.entity_namespace:
return True
# Checking for `Model.column` clauses
if visitor.__visit_name__ == "column":
with suppress(AttributeError):
if my_class.__table__.fullname == visitor.table.fullname:
return True
return False