Code source de geonature.core.gn_synthese.utils.process

    functions to insert update or delete data in table gn_synthese.synthese

from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError, ProgrammingError
from geonature.utils.env import DB
from geonature.utils.errors import GeonatureApiError

[docs] def import_from_table(schema_name, table_name, field_name, value, limit=50): """ insert and/or update data in table gn_synthese.synthese from table <schema_name>.<table_name> for all rows satisfying the condition : <field_name> = <value> """ try: # TODO get nb txt = """SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {}.{} WHERE {}::varchar = '{}'""".format( schema_name, table_name, field_name, value ) nb_data = DB.engine.execute(txt).first()[0] # request : call of function gn_synthese.import_row_from_table i = 0 # on procède ici par boucle pour traiter un nombre raisonnable de donnée à la fois while limit * i < nb_data: txt = """SELECT gn_synthese.import_row_from_table( '{}', '{}', '{}.{}', {}, {});""".format( field_name, value, schema_name, table_name, limit, i * limit # offset ) DB.engine.execution_options(autocommit=True).execute(txt) i = i + 1 print("process synthese {} / {} ".format(min(i * limit, nb_data), nb_data)) except (IntegrityError, ProgrammingError) as e: if e.orig.pgcode == "42703": raise ValueError( "Undefined column : '{}.{}.{}'. \n This column is mandatory to synchronize with synthese".format( schema_name, table_name, field_name ) ) elif e.orig.pgcode == "42P01": raise ValueError("Undefined table '{}.{}'".format(schema_name, table_name)) else: raise e except Exception as e: raise GeonatureApiError( """ Error while executing import_from_table with parameters : schema_name : {} table_name : {} field_name : {} value : {}. {} """.format( schema_name, table_name, field_name, value, e ) )