Code source de geonature.core.imports.checks.dataframe.core

from typing import Dict, Optional, Set
from functools import reduce

from geonature.core.imports.checks.errors import ImportCodeError
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import sqlalchemy as sa

from geonature.utils.env import db
from geonature.core.gn_meta.models import TDatasets

from geonature.core.imports.models import BibFields, TImports

from .utils import dataframe_check, error_replace

__all__ = ["check_required_values", "check_counts", "check_datasets"]

    {"WKT", "longitude", "latitude"},
    "Champs géométriques",
[docs] def check_required_values(df: pd.DataFrame, fields: Dict[str, BibFields]): """ Check if required values are present in the dataframe. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame The dataframe to check. fields : Dict[str, BibFields] Dictionary of fields to check. Yields ------ dict Dictionary containing the error code, the column name and the invalid rows. Notes ----- Field is mandatory if: ((field.mandatory AND NOT (ANY optional_cond is not NaN)) OR (ANY mandatory_cond is not NaN)) <=> ((field.mandatory AND ALL optional_cond are NaN ) OR (ANY mandatory_cond is not NaN)) """ for field_name, field in fields.items(): # array of OR conditions mandatory_conditions = [] if field.mandatory: cond = pd.Series(True, index=df.index) if field.optional_conditions: for opt_field_name in field.optional_conditions: opt_field = fields[opt_field_name] if opt_field.source_column not in df: continue cond = cond & df[opt_field.source_column].isna() mandatory_conditions.append(cond) if field.mandatory_conditions: for mand_field_name in field.mandatory_conditions: mand_field = fields[mand_field_name] if mand_field.source_column not in df: continue mandatory_conditions.append(df[mand_field.source_column].notna()) if mandatory_conditions: if field.source_column in df: empty_rows = df[field.source_column].isna() else: empty_rows = pd.Series(True, index=df.index) cond = reduce(lambda x, y: x | y, mandatory_conditions) # OR on all conditions invalid_rows = df[empty_rows & cond] if len(invalid_rows): yield { "error_code": ImportCodeError.MISSING_VALUE, "column": field_name, "invalid_rows": invalid_rows, }
def _check_ordering(df: pd.DataFrame, min_field: str, max_field: str): """ Check if the values in the `min_field` are lower or equal to the values in the `max_field` for all the rows of the dataframe `df`. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame The dataframe to check. min_field : str The name of the column containing the minimum values. max_field : str The name of the column containing the maximum values. Yields ------ dict Dictionary containing the invalid rows. """ ordered = df[min_field] <= df[max_field] ordered = ordered.fillna(False) invalid_rows = df[~ordered & df[min_field].notna() & df[max_field].notna()] yield { "invalid_rows": invalid_rows, } @dataframe_check
[docs] def check_counts( df: pd.DataFrame, count_min_field: str, count_max_field: str, default_count: int = None ): """ Check if the value in the `count_min_field` is lower or equal to the value in the `count_max_field` | count_min_field | count_max_field | | --------------- | --------------- | | 0 | 2 | --> ok | 2 | 0 | --> provoke an error Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame The dataframe to check. count_min_field : BibField The field containing the minimum count. count_max_field : BibField The field containing the maximum count. default_count : object, optional The default count to use if a count is missing, by default None. Yields ------ dict Dictionary containing the error code, the column name and the invalid rows. Returns ------ set Set of columns updated. """ count_min_col = count_min_field.dest_field count_max_col = count_max_field.dest_field updated_cols = {count_max_col} if count_min_col in df: df[count_min_col] = df[count_min_col].where( df[count_min_col].notna(), other=default_count, ) if count_max_col in df: yield from map( lambda error: { "column": count_min_col, "error_code": "COUNT_MIN_SUP_COUNT_MAX", **error, }, _check_ordering(df, count_min_col, count_max_col), ) # Complete empty count_max cells df[count_max_col] = df[count_max_col].where( df[count_max_col].notna(), other=df[count_min_col], ) else: df[count_max_col] = df[count_min_col] updated_cols.add(count_max_col) else: updated_cols.add(count_min_col) if count_max_col in df: df[count_max_col] = df[count_max_col].where( df[count_max_col].notna(), other=default_count, ) df[count_min_col] = df[count_max_col] else: df[count_min_col] = default_count df[count_max_col] = default_count return updated_cols
[docs] def check_datasets( imprt: TImports, df: pd.DataFrame, uuid_field: BibFields, id_field: BibFields, module_code: str, object_code: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Set[str]: """ Check if datasets exist and are authorized for the user and import. Parameters ---------- imprt : TImports Import to check datasets for. df : pd.DataFrame Dataframe to check. uuid_field : BibFields Field containing dataset UUIDs. id_field : BibFields Field to fill with dataset IDs. module_code : str Module code to check datasets for. object_code : Optional[str], optional Object code to check datasets for, by default None. Yields ------ dict Dictionary containing error code, column name and invalid rows. Returns ------ Set[str] Set of columns updated. """ updated_cols = set() uuid_col = uuid_field.dest_field id_col = id_field.dest_field if uuid_col in df: has_uuid_mask = df[uuid_col].notnull() uuid = df.loc[has_uuid_mask, uuid_col].unique().tolist() datasets = { ds.unique_dataset_id.hex: ds for ds in TDatasets.query.filter(TDatasets.unique_dataset_id.in_(uuid)) .options(sa.orm.joinedload(TDatasets.nomenclature_data_origin)) .options(sa.orm.raiseload("*")) .all() } valid_ds_mask = df[uuid_col].isin(datasets.keys()) invalid_ds_mask = has_uuid_mask & ~valid_ds_mask if invalid_ds_mask.any(): yield { "error_code": ImportCodeError.DATASET_NOT_FOUND, "column": uuid_field.name_field, "invalid_rows": df[invalid_ds_mask], } inactive_dataset = [uuid for uuid, ds in datasets.items() if not] inactive_dataset_mask = df[uuid_col].isin(inactive_dataset) if inactive_dataset_mask.any(): yield { "error_code": ImportCodeError.DATASET_NOT_ACTIVE, "column": uuid_field.name_field, "invalid_rows": df[inactive_dataset_mask], } # Warning: we check only permissions of first author, but currently there it only one author per import. authorized_datasets = { ds.unique_dataset_id.hex: ds for ds in db.session.execute( TDatasets.filter_by_creatable( user=imprt.authors[0], module_code=module_code, object_code=object_code ) .where(TDatasets.unique_dataset_id.in_(uuid)) .options(sa.orm.raiseload("*")) ) .scalars() .all() } authorized_ds_mask = df[uuid_col].isin(authorized_datasets.keys()) unauthorized_ds_mask = valid_ds_mask & ~authorized_ds_mask if unauthorized_ds_mask.any(): yield { "error_code": ImportCodeError.DATASET_NOT_AUTHORIZED, "column": uuid_field.name_field, "invalid_rows": df[unauthorized_ds_mask], } if authorized_ds_mask.any(): df.loc[authorized_ds_mask, id_col] = df[authorized_ds_mask][uuid_col].apply( lambda uuid: authorized_datasets[uuid].id_dataset ) updated_cols = {id_col} else: has_uuid_mask = pd.Series(False, index=df.index) if (~has_uuid_mask).any(): # Set id_dataset from import for empty cells: df.loc[~has_uuid_mask, id_col] = imprt.id_dataset updated_cols = {id_col} return updated_cols