from functools import partial
from geonature.core.imports.checks.errors import ImportCodeError
from geonature.core.imports.models import BibFields
import sqlalchemy as sa
from geoalchemy2.functions import ST_Transform, ST_GeomFromWKB, ST_GeomFromText
import pandas as pd
from shapely import wkt
from shapely.geometry import Point, Polygon
from shapely.geometry.base import BaseGeometry
from shapely.ops import transform
from pyproj import CRS, Transformer
from ref_geo.models import LAreas
from geonature.utils.env import db
from .utils import dataframe_check
def get_srid_bounding_box(srid):
Return the local bounding box for a given srid
xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = CRS.from_epsg(srid).area_of_use.bounds
bounding_polygon_4326 = Polygon([(xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymin), (xmax, ymax), (xmin, ymax)])
projection = Transformer.from_crs(CRS(4326), CRS(int(srid)), always_xy=True)
return transform(projection.transform, bounding_polygon_4326)
def wkt_to_geometry(value):
return wkt.loads(value)
except Exception:
return None
def xy_to_geometry(x, y):
return Point(float(x.replace(",", ".")), float(y.replace(",", ".")))
except Exception:
return None
def check_bound(p, bounding_box: Polygon):
return p.within(bounding_box)
def check_geometry_inside_l_areas(geometry: BaseGeometry, id_area: int, geom_srid: int):
Same as `check_wkt_inside_l_areas` except we use a shapely geometry.
return check_wkt_inside_area_id(wkt=geometry.wkt, id_area=id_area, wkt_srid=geom_srid)
def check_wkt_inside_area_id(wkt: str, id_area: int, wkt_srid: int):
Checks if the provided wkt is inside the area defined
by id_area.
wkt : str
geometry to check if inside the area
id_area : int
id to get the area in ref_geo.l_areas
wkt_srid : str
srid of the provided wkt
local_srid = db.session.execute(sa.func.Find_SRID("ref_geo", "l_areas", "geom")).scalar()
return db.session.scalar(
LAreas.id_area == id_area,
LAreas.geom.ST_Contains(ST_Transform(ST_GeomFromText(wkt, wkt_srid), local_srid)),
def check_geometry(
df: pd.DataFrame,
file_srid: int,
geom_4326_field: BibFields,
geom_local_field: BibFields,
wkt_field: BibFields = None,
latitude_field: BibFields = None,
longitude_field: BibFields = None,
codecommune_field: BibFields = None,
codemaille_field: BibFields = None,
codedepartement_field: BibFields = None,
id_area: int = None,
What this check do:
- check there is at least a wkt, a x/y or a code defined for each row
(report NO-GEOM if there are not, or MULTIPLE_ATTACHMENT_TYPE_CODE if several are defined)
- set geom_local or geom_4326 or both (depending of file_srid) from wkt or x/y
- check wkt validity
- check x/y validity
- check wkt & x/y bounding box
What this check does not do (done later in SQL):
- set geom_4326 & geom_local from code
- verify code validity
- set geom_4326 from geom_local, or reciprocally, depending of file_srid
- set geom_point
- check geom validity (ST_IsValid)
FIXME: area from code are never checked in bounding box!
df : pandas.DataFrame
The dataframe to check
file_srid : int
The srid of the file
geom_4326_field : BibFields
The column in the dataframe that contains geometries in SRID 4326
geom_local_field : BibFields
The column in the dataframe that contains geometries in the SRID of the area
wkt_field : BibFields, optional
The column in the dataframe that contains geometries' WKT
latitude_field : BibFields, optional
The column in the dataframe that contains latitudes
longitude_field : BibFields, optional
The column in the dataframe that contains longitudes
codecommune_field : BibFields, optional
The column in the dataframe that contains commune codes
codemaille_field : BibFields, optional
The column in the dataframe that contains maille codes
codedepartement_field : BibFields, optional
The column in the dataframe that contains departement codes
id_area : int, optional
The id of the area to check if the geometry is inside (Not Implemented)
local_srid = db.session.execute(sa.func.Find_SRID("ref_geo", "l_areas", "geom")).scalar()
file_srid_bounding_box = get_srid_bounding_box(file_srid)
wkt_col = wkt_field.source_field if wkt_field else None
latitude_col = latitude_field.source_field if latitude_field else None
longitude_col = longitude_field.source_field if longitude_field else None
codecommune_col = codecommune_field.source_field if codecommune_field else None
codemaille_col = codemaille_field.source_field if codemaille_field else None
codedepartement_col = codedepartement_field.source_field if codedepartement_field else None
geom = pd.Series(name="geom", index=df.index, dtype="object")
if wkt_col and wkt_col in df:
wkt_mask = df[wkt_col].notnull()
if wkt_mask.any():
geom.loc[wkt_mask] = df[wkt_mask][wkt_col].apply(wkt_to_geometry)
invalid_wkt = geom[wkt_mask & geom.isnull()]
if not invalid_wkt.empty:
yield {
"error_code": ImportCodeError.INVALID_WKT,
"column": "WKT",
"invalid_rows": invalid_wkt,
wkt_mask = pd.Series(False, index=df.index)
if latitude_col and latitude_col in df and longitude_col and longitude_col in df:
# take xy when no wkt and xy are not null
xy_mask = df[latitude_col].notnull() & df[longitude_col].notnull()
if xy_mask.any():
geom.loc[xy_mask] = df[xy_mask].apply(
lambda row: xy_to_geometry(row[longitude_col], row[latitude_col]), axis=1
invalid_xy = df[xy_mask & geom.isnull()]
if not invalid_xy.empty:
yield {
"error_code": ImportCodeError.INVALID_GEOMETRY,
"column": "longitude",
"invalid_rows": invalid_xy,
xy_mask = pd.Series(False, index=df.index)
# Check multiple geo-referencement
multiple_georef = df[wkt_mask & xy_mask]
if len(multiple_georef):
geom[wkt_mask & xy_mask] = None
yield {
"error_code": ImportCodeError.MULTIPLE_ATTACHMENT_TYPE_CODE,
"column": "Champs géométriques",
"invalid_rows": multiple_georef,
# Check out-of-bound geo-referencement
for mask, column in [(wkt_mask, "WKT"), (xy_mask, "longitude")]:
bound = geom[mask & geom.notnull()].apply(
partial(check_bound, bounding_box=file_srid_bounding_box)
out_of_bound = df[mask & ~bound]
if len(out_of_bound):
geom.loc[mask & ~bound] = None
yield {
"error_code": ImportCodeError.GEOMETRY_OUT_OF_BOX,
"column": column,
"invalid_rows": out_of_bound,
if codecommune_col and codecommune_col in df:
codecommune_mask = df[codecommune_col].notnull()
codecommune_mask = pd.Series(False, index=df.index)
if codemaille_col and codemaille_col in df:
codemaille_mask = df[codemaille_col].notnull()
codemaille_mask = pd.Series(False, index=df.index)
if codedepartement_col and codedepartement_col in df:
codedepartement_mask = df[codedepartement_col].notnull()
codedepartement_mask = pd.Series(False, index=df.index)
# Check for multiple code when no wkt or xy
multiple_code = df[
& ~xy_mask
& (
(codecommune_mask & codemaille_mask)
| (codecommune_mask & codedepartement_mask)
| (codemaille_mask & codedepartement_mask)
if len(multiple_code):
yield {
"error_code": ImportCodeError.MULTIPLE_CODE_ATTACHMENT,
"column": "Champs géométriques",
"invalid_rows": multiple_code,
if file_srid == 4326:
geom_4326_col = geom_4326_field.dest_field
df[geom_4326_col] = geom[geom.notna()].apply(
lambda g: ST_GeomFromWKB(g.wkb, file_srid),
# geom_local will be defined in SQL
return {geom_4326_col}
elif file_srid == local_srid:
geom_local_col = geom_local_field.dest_field
df[geom_local_col] = geom[geom.notna()].apply(
lambda g: ST_GeomFromWKB(g.wkb, file_srid),
# geom_4326 will be defined in SQL
return {geom_local_col}
geom_4326_col = geom_4326_field.dest_field
geom_local_col = geom_local_field.dest_field
df[geom_4326_col] = geom[geom.notna()].apply(
lambda g: ST_Transform(ST_GeomFromWKB(g.wkb, file_srid), 4326),
df[geom_local_col] = geom[geom.notna()].apply(
lambda g: ST_Transform(ST_GeomFromWKB(g.wkb, file_srid), local_srid),
return {geom_4326_col, geom_local_col}