Code source de geonature.core.imports.checks.errors
[docs]classImportCodeError:""" List of all the possible errors returned during the import process. Attributes ---------- DATASET_NOT_FOUND : str The referenced dataset was not found DATASET_NOT_AUTHORIZED : str The dataset is not authorized to the current user DATASET_NOT_ACTIVE : str The dataset is inactive MULTIPLE_ATTACHMENT_TYPE_CODE : str Multiple attachments of the same type are not allowed MULTIPLE_CODE_ATTACHMENT : str Multiple attachments (commune, maille, departement) with the same code were given. INVALID_DATE : str The date is not valid INVALID_UUID : str The uuid is not valid INVALID_INTEGER : str The integer is not valid INVALID_NUMERIC : str The numeric is not valid INVALID_WKT : str The WKT string is not valid INVALID_GEOMETRY : str The geometry is not valid INVALID_BOOL : str The boolean is not valid INVALID_ATTACHMENT_CODE : str The code given does not exists in the desitination referential INVALID_CHAR_LENGTH : str The character length is not valid DATE_MIN_TOO_HIGH : str The date min is too high DATE_MAX_TOO_LOW : str The date max is too low DATE_MAX_TOO_HIGH : str The date max is too high DATE_MIN_TOO_LOW : str The date min is too low ALTI_MIN_SUP_ALTI_MAX : str The altitude min is superior to the altitude max DATE_MIN_SUP_DATE_MAX : str The date min is superior to the date max DEPTH_MIN_SUP_ALTI_MAX : str The depth min is superior to the altitude max ORPHAN_ROW : str The row could not be attached to an other entity # FIXME: clarify DUPLICATE_ROWS : str One rows appears more than once DUPLICATE_UUID : str A uuid value is duplicated EXISTING_UUID: str A uuid value already exists in the destination table SKIP_EXISTING_UUID: str A uuid value already exists in the destination table and should be skipped MISSING_VALUE : str A required value is missing (see `mandatory` column in `gn_imports.bib_fields` table) MISSING_GEOM : str The geometry is missing GEOMETRY_OUTSIDE : str The geometry is outside the polygon in the GeoNature configuration (`INSTANCE_BOUNDING_BOX`) NO_GEOM : str No geometry given (wherever WKT or latitude/longitude) GEOMETRY_OUT_OF_BOX : str The geometry is outside the perimeter of the instance geography # FIXME: clarify (confusion with GEOMETRY_OUTSIDE) ERRONEOUS_PARENT_ENTITY : str The parent entity is not valid NO_PARENT_ENTITY : str The parent entity is not found DUPLICATE_ENTITY_SOURCE_PK : str The entity source primary key is duplicated COUNT_MIN_SUP_COUNT_MAX : str The count min is superior to the count max INVALID_NOMENCLATURE : str The nomenclature is invalid INVALID_EXISTING_PROOF_VALUE : str The existing proof value is invalid CONDITIONAL_MANDATORY_FIELD_ERROR : str Some conditional mandatory fields are missing #FIXME: clarify INVALID_NOMENCLATURE_WARNING : str The nomenclature is invalid UNKNOWN_ERROR : str An unknown error occurred INVALID_STATUT_SOURCE_VALUE : str The statut source value is invalid CONDITIONAL_INVALID_DATA : str The conditional data is invalid INVALID_URL_PROOF : str The url proof is invalid ROW_HAVE_TOO_MUCH_COLUMN : str A row have too much column ROW_HAVE_LESS_COLUMN : str A row have less column EMPTY_ROW : str A row is empty HEADER_SAME_COLUMN_NAME : str The header have same column name EMPTY_FILE : str The file is empty NO_FILE_SENDED : str No file was sent ERROR_WHILE_LOADING_FILE : str An error occurred while loading the file FILE_FORMAT_ERROR : str The file format is not valid FILE_EXTENSION_ERROR : str The file extension is not valid FILE_OVERSIZE : str The file is too big FILE_NAME_TOO_LONG : str The file name is too long FILE_WITH_NO_DATA : str The file have no data INCOHERENT_DATA : str An entity data is different in multiple rows CD_HAB_NOT_FOUND : str The habitat code is not found CD_NOM_NOT_FOUND : str The cd_nom is not found in the instance TaxRef """# Dataset error