Code source de geonature.core.imports.checks.sql.nomenclature

from typing import Mapping, Optional
from geonature.core.imports.checks.errors import ImportCodeError
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import select, update
from sqlalchemy.sql import column
import sqlalchemy as sa

from geonature.core.gn_meta.models import TDatasets

from geonature.utils.env import db

from geonature.core.imports.models import BibFields, Entity, TImports
from geonature.core.imports.checks.sql.utils import report_erroneous_rows

from pypnnomenclature.models import TNomenclatures, BibNomenclaturesTypes

__all__ = [

[docs] def do_nomenclatures_mapping( imprt: TImports, entity: Entity, fields: Mapping[str, BibFields], fill_with_defaults: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Set nomenclatures using content mapping. Parameters ---------- imprt : TImports The import to check. entity : Entity The entity to check. fields : Mapping[str, BibFields] Mapping of field names to BibFields objects. fill_with_defaults : bool, optional If True, fill empty user fields with default nomenclatures. Notes ----- See the following link for explanation on empty fields and default nomenclature handling: """ transient_table = imprt.destination.get_transient_table() # Set nomenclatures using content mapping for field in filter(lambda field: field.mnemonique != None, fields.values()): source_col = transient_table.c[field.source_field] dest_col = transient_table.c[field.dest_field] # This CTE return the list of source value / cd_nomenclature for a given nomenclature type cte = ( select( sa.func.nullif(column("key"), "").label("value"), # replace "" by NULL column("value").label("cd_nomenclature"), ) .select_from(sa.func.JSON_EACH_TEXT(TImports.contentmapping[field.mnemonique])) .where(TImports.id_import == imprt.id_import) .cte("cte") ) # This statement join the cte results with nomenclatures # in order to set the id_nomenclature stmt = ( update(transient_table) .where( transient_table.c.id_import == imprt.id_import, source_col.isnot_distinct_from(cte.c.value), # to ensure NULL == NULL is True TNomenclatures.cd_nomenclature == cte.c.cd_nomenclature, BibNomenclaturesTypes.mnemonique == field.mnemonique, TNomenclatures.id_type == BibNomenclaturesTypes.id_type, ) .values({field.dest_field: TNomenclatures.id_nomenclature}) ) db.session.execute(stmt) erroneous_conds = [dest_col == None] if fill_with_defaults: # Set default nomenclature for empty user fields stmt = ( update(transient_table) .where( transient_table.c.id_import == imprt.id_import, source_col == None, dest_col == None, ) # empty source_col may be have been completed by mapping .values( { field.dest_field: getattr( sa.func, entity.destination_table_schema ).get_default_nomenclature_value( field.mnemonique, ) } ) ) db.session.execute(stmt) # Do not report invalid nomenclature when source_col is NULL: if dest_col is NULL, # it is because there are no default nomenclature. This is the same as server # default value getting default nomenclature which may be NULL (unexisting). erroneous_conds.append(source_col != None) report_erroneous_rows( imprt, entity, error_type=ImportCodeError.INVALID_NOMENCLATURE, error_column=field.name_field, whereclause=sa.and_(*erroneous_conds), )
[docs] def check_nomenclature_exist_proof( imprt: TImports, entity: Entity, nomenclature_field: BibFields, digital_proof_field: Optional[BibFields], non_digital_proof_field: Optional[BibFields], ) -> None: """ Check the existence of a nomenclature proof in the transient table. Parameters ---------- imprt : TImports The import to check. entity : Entity The entity to check. nomenclature_field : BibFields The field representing the nomenclature to check. digital_proof_field : Optional[BibFields] The field for digital proof, if any. non_digital_proof_field : Optional[BibFields] The field for non-digital proof, if any. """ transient_table = imprt.destination.get_transient_table() if digital_proof_field is None and non_digital_proof_field is None: return oui_nomenclature = db.session.execute( TNomenclatures.mnemonique == "Oui", TNomenclatures.nomenclature_type.has( BibNomenclaturesTypes.mnemonique == nomenclature_field.mnemonique ), ) ).scalar_one() oui_filter = ( transient_table.c[nomenclature_field.dest_field] == oui_nomenclature.id_nomenclature ) proof_set_filters = [] if digital_proof_field is not None: proof_set_filters.append( transient_table.c[digital_proof_field.dest_field] != None, ) if non_digital_proof_field is not None: proof_set_filters.append( transient_table.c[non_digital_proof_field.dest_field] != None, ) proof_set_filter = sa.or_(*proof_set_filters) if proof_set_filters else sa.false() report_erroneous_rows( imprt, entity, error_type=ImportCodeError.INVALID_EXISTING_PROOF_VALUE, error_column=nomenclature_field.name_field, whereclause=sa.or_( sa.and_(oui_filter, ~proof_set_filter), sa.and_(~oui_filter, proof_set_filter), ), )
[docs] def check_nomenclature_blurring( imprt, entity, blurring_field, id_dataset_field, uuid_dataset_field ): """ Raise an error if blurring not set. Required if the dataset is private. """ transient_table = imprt.destination.get_transient_table() id_nomenclature_private = db.session.scalar( select(TNomenclatures.id_nomenclature).where( TNomenclatures.nomenclature_type.has(BibNomenclaturesTypes.mnemonique == "DS_PUBLIQUE"), TNomenclatures.mnemonique == "Privée", ) ) report_erroneous_rows( imprt, entity, error_type=ImportCodeError.CONDITIONAL_MANDATORY_FIELD_ERROR, error_column=blurring_field.name_field, whereclause=sa.and_( sa.or_( transient_table.c[id_dataset_field.name_field] == TDatasets.id_dataset, transient_table.c[uuid_dataset_field.name_field] == TDatasets.unique_dataset_id, ), TDatasets.id_nomenclature_data_origin == id_nomenclature_private, transient_table.c[blurring_field.dest_field] == None, ), )
[docs] def check_nomenclature_source_status( imprt: TImports, entity: Entity, source_status_field: BibFields, ref_biblio_field: BibFields ) -> None: """ Check the nomenclature source status and raise an error if the status is "Lit" (Literature) whereas the reference biblio field is empty. Parameters ---------- imprt : TImports The import to check. entity : Entity The entity to check. source_status_field : BibFields The field representing the source status. ref_biblio_field : BibFields The field representing the reference bibliography. Notes ----- The error codes are: - CONDITIONAL_MANDATORY_FIELD_ERROR: the field is mandatory and not set. """ transient_table = imprt.destination.get_transient_table() litterature_nomenclature = db.session.execute( TNomenclatures.nomenclature_type.has( BibNomenclaturesTypes.mnemonique == "STATUT_SOURCE" ), TNomenclatures.cd_nomenclature == "Li", ) ).scalar_one() report_erroneous_rows( imprt, entity, error_type=ImportCodeError.CONDITIONAL_MANDATORY_FIELD_ERROR, error_column=source_status_field.name_field, whereclause=sa.and_( transient_table.c[source_status_field.dest_field] == litterature_nomenclature.id_nomenclature, transient_table.c[ref_biblio_field.dest_field] == None, ), )
[docs] def check_nomenclature_technique_collect( imprt: TImports, entity: Entity, source_status_field: BibFields, technical_precision_field: BibFields, ) -> None: """ Check the nomenclature source status and raise an error if the status is "Autre, préciser" whereas technical precision field is empty. Parameters ---------- imprt : TImports The import to check. entity : Entity The entity to check. source_status_field : BibFields The field representing the source status. technical_precision_field : BibFields The field representing the technical precision. Notes ----- The error codes are: - CONDITIONAL_MANDATORY_FIELD_ERROR: the field is mandatory and not set. """ transient_table = imprt.destination.get_transient_table() other = db.session.execute( TNomenclatures.nomenclature_type.has( BibNomenclaturesTypes.mnemonique == "TECHNIQUE_COLLECT_HAB" ), TNomenclatures.cd_nomenclature == "10", ) ).scalar_one() report_erroneous_rows( imprt, entity, error_type=ImportCodeError.CONDITIONAL_MANDATORY_FIELD_ERROR, error_column=source_status_field.name_field, whereclause=sa.and_( transient_table.c[source_status_field.dest_field] == other.id_nomenclature, transient_table.c[technical_precision_field.dest_field] == None, ), )