Code source de geonature.core.imports.routes.fields

from itertools import groupby

from flask import jsonify
from sqlalchemy.orm import joinedload, contains_eager, selectinload
import sqlalchemy as sa
from geonature.core.gn_permissions import decorators as permissions
from pypnnomenclature.models import BibNomenclaturesTypes

from geonature.core.imports.models import (

from geonature.core.imports.blueprint import blueprint
from geonature.utils.env import db

@blueprint.route("/<destination>/fields", methods=["GET"])
@permissions.check_cruved_scope("C", get_scope=True, module_code="IMPORT", object_code="IMPORT")
[docs] def get_fields(scope, destination): """ .. :quickref: Import; Get synthesis fields. Get all synthesis fields Use in field mapping steps You can find a jsonschema of the returned data in the associated test. """ data = [] entities = db.session.scalars( ).all() for entity in entities: entity_fields = db.session.scalars( .where( EntityField.entity == entity, EntityField.field.has( BibFields.display == True, ), ) .join(BibThemes) .order_by(BibThemes.order_theme, EntityField.order_field) .options(selectinload(EntityField.field), selectinload(EntityField.theme)) ).all() themes = [] for id_theme, efs in groupby(entity_fields, lambda ef: ef.theme.id_theme): efs = list(efs) themes.append( { "theme": efs[0].theme.as_dict( fields=[ "id_theme", "name_theme", "fr_label_theme", "eng_label_theme", "desc_theme", ], ), # Front retro-compat: we flatten entityfield and field "fields": [ ef.as_dict( fields=[ "desc_field", "comment", ], ) | ef.field.as_dict( fields=[ "id_field", "name_field", "fr_label", "eng_label", "mandatory", "autogenerated", "multi", "mandatory_conditions", "optional_conditions", ] ) for ef in efs ], } ) data.append( { "entity": entity.as_dict(fields=["label"]), "themes": themes, } ) return jsonify(data)
@blueprint.route("/<destination>/nomenclatures", methods=["GET"])
[docs] def get_nomenclatures(destination): nomenclature_fields = ( db.session.scalars( .where(BibFields.destination == destination, BibFields.nomenclature_type != None) .options( joinedload(BibFields.nomenclature_type).joinedload( BibNomenclaturesTypes.nomenclatures ), ) ) .unique() .all() ) return jsonify( { field.nomenclature_type.mnemonique: { "nomenclature_type": field.nomenclature_type.as_dict(), "nomenclatures": { nomenclature.cd_nomenclature: nomenclature.as_dict() for nomenclature in field.nomenclature_type.nomenclatures }, } for field in nomenclature_fields } )