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Code source de geonature.core.notifications.models
Models of gn_notifications schema
import datetime
import sqlalchemy as sa
from sqlalchemy import ForeignKey
from sqlalchemy.sql import select
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship
from flask import g
from utils_flask_sqla.models import qfilter
from utils_flask_sqla.serializers import serializable
from pypnusershub.db.models import User
from geonature.utils.env import db
class NotificationMethod ( db . Model ):
__tablename__ = "bib_notifications_methods"
__table_args__ = { "schema" : "gn_notifications" }
code = db . Column ( db . Unicode , primary_key = True )
label = db . Column ( db . Unicode )
description = db . Column ( db . UnicodeText )
def display ( self ):
if self . label :
return f " { self } – { self . label } "
else :
return str ( self )
def __str__ ( self ):
return self . code
class NotificationCategory ( db . Model ):
__tablename__ = "bib_notifications_categories"
__table_args__ = { "schema" : "gn_notifications" }
code = db . Column ( db . Unicode , primary_key = True )
label = db . Column ( db . Unicode )
description = db . Column ( db . UnicodeText )
def display ( self ):
if self . label :
return f " { self } – { self . label } "
else :
return str ( self )
def __str__ ( self ):
return self . code
class NotificationTemplate ( db . Model ):
__tablename__ = "bib_notifications_templates"
__table_args__ = { "schema" : "gn_notifications" }
code_category = db . Column (
db . Unicode ,
ForeignKey ( NotificationCategory . code ),
primary_key = True ,
code_method = db . Column ( db . Unicode , ForeignKey ( NotificationMethod . code ), primary_key = True )
content = db . Column ( db . UnicodeText )
category = db . relationship ( NotificationCategory )
method = db . relationship ( NotificationMethod )
def __str__ ( self ):
return self . content
class Notification ( db . Model ):
__tablename__ = "t_notifications"
__table_args__ = { "schema" : "gn_notifications" }
id_notification = db . Column ( db . Integer , primary_key = True )
id_role = db . Column ( db . Integer , ForeignKey ( User . id_role ), nullable = False )
title = db . Column ( db . Unicode )
content = db . Column ( db . UnicodeText )
url = db . Column ( db . Unicode )
code_status = db . Column ( db . Unicode )
creation_date = db . Column ( db . DateTime (), default = datetime . datetime . utcnow )
user = db . relationship ( User )
class NotificationRule ( db . Model ):
__tablename__ = "t_notifications_rules"
__table_args__ = (
db . UniqueConstraint (
"id_role" , "code_method" , "code_category" , name = "un_role_method_category"
db . Index (
"un_method_category" ,
"code_method" ,
"code_category" ,
unique = True ,
postgresql_ops = {
"where" : sa . text ( "id_role IS NULL" ),
{ "schema" : "gn_notifications" },
id = db . Column ( db . Integer , primary_key = True )
id_role = db . Column ( db . Integer , ForeignKey ( User . id_role ), nullable = True )
code_method = db . Column ( db . Unicode , ForeignKey ( NotificationMethod . code ), nullable = False )
code_category = db . Column (
db . Unicode ,
ForeignKey ( NotificationCategory . code ),
nullable = False ,
subscribed = db . Column ( db . Boolean , nullable = False )
method = relationship ( NotificationMethod )
category = relationship ( NotificationCategory )
user = db . relationship ( User )
@qfilter ( query = True )
def filter_by_role_with_defaults ( cls , * , query , id_role = None ):
if id_role is None :
id_role = g . current_user . id_role
cte = (
sa . select ( NotificationRule )
. where (
sa . or_ (
NotificationRule . id_role . is_ ( None ),
NotificationRule . id_role == id_role ,
. distinct ( NotificationRule . code_category , NotificationRule . code_method )
. order_by (
NotificationRule . code_category . desc (),
NotificationRule . code_method . desc (),
NotificationRule . id_role . asc (),
. cte ( "cte" )
return query . where ( NotificationRule . id == cte . c . id )