Code source de geonature.core.notifications.utils

from itertools import chain, product

from jinja2 import Template
from flask import current_app
import sqlalchemy as sa

from pypnusershub.db.models import User

from geonature.core.notifications.models import (
from geonature.utils.env import db
from geonature.core.notifications.tasks import send_notification_mail
from sqlalchemy import values, Integer, text, select

[docs] def dispatch_notifications( code_categories, id_roles, title=None, url=None, *, content=None, context={} ): if not current_app.config["NOTIFICATIONS_ENABLED"]: return categories = chain.from_iterable( [ db.session.scalars( select(NotificationCategory).where( ).all() for code in code_categories ] ) roles = db.session.scalars(select(User).where(User.id_role.in_(id_roles))) for category, role in product(categories, roles): dispatch_notification(category, role, title, url, content=content, context=context)
[docs] def dispatch_notification(category, role, title=None, url=None, *, content=None, context={}): if not title: title = category.label # add role, title and url to rendering context context = {"role": role, "title": title, "url": url, **context} rules = NotificationRule.filter_by_role_with_defaults(id_role=role.id_role).where( NotificationRule.code_category == category.code, NotificationRule.subscribed.is_(sa.true()), ) for rule in db.session.scalars(rules).all(): if content: notification_content = content else: # get template for this method and category notification_template = db.session.scalars( category=category, method=rule.method, ) ).one_or_none() if not notification_template: continue notification_content = Template(notification_template.content).render(context) # if no content break | content is if not notification_content.strip(): continue if rule.code_method == "DB": send_db_notification(role, title, notification_content, url) elif rule.code_method == "EMAIL": send_mail_notification(role, title, notification_content)
[docs] def send_db_notification(role, title, content, url): # Save notification in database as UNREAD"Send database notification to {role}") notification = Notification( user=role, title=title, content=content, url=url, code_status="UNREAD", ) db.session.add(notification) return notification
[docs] def send_mail_notification(role, title, content): if not return"Send email notification to {role} ({})") send_notification_mail.delay(f"[GeoNature] {title}", content,